6 Types of Medications That Can Cause Tooth Damage


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You may not realize that many certain drugs on the market or those from a doctor's prescription can cause tooth decay, especially if you take this medicine frequently. More than 400 drugs in fact have been clinically proven to cause dry mouth, or in the medical language xerotomia.

Actually, dry mouth is one of the side effects of taking the most commonly seen drugs, but many people don't realize it. In fact, dry mouth is the main cause of someone experiencing oral disorders such as gum infections and tooth decay.Here are some drugs that can cause tooth decay:

1. Antacids

If you often take antacid drugs, drugs used to neutralize stomach acid, you are prone to tooth decay. Antacids not only cause dry mouth, but often contain lots of sugar.

You can reduce the use of antacids by choosing a sugar free antacid version. In addition, you can also do dental care like flossing to help prevent further tooth decay.

2. Pain relievers

Frequently taking painkillers such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are also proven to cause tooth decay due to dry mouth. If you are used to taking pain medication for a long time, then you will be prone to more serious dental problems and even cause chronic pain.

To overcome this, you can multiply drinking water, brush your teeth regularly, and use a moisturizing mouth spray.

3. Antihistamines and decongestants

Antihistamines are allergic drugs that can block histamine receptors in preventing various types of allergies in the body. But in fact there are side effects caused on other body parts, such as the mouth and tongue. Because, antihistamines inhibit the production of saliva so that it makes the mouth dry. While consuming decongestants (cold and cold medicines) in the form of syrup will cause erosion of the teeth because there is a very high acid content.

You can use fluoridated toothpaste after consuming cough syrup medicine to help prevent tooth erosion.

4. Medication for high blood pressure

Beta blockers are drugs that function to inhibit beta-adrenergic receptors in modulating heart function, breathing, widening of blood vessels that have side effects causing dry mouth so that it can increase the risk of tooth decay.

However, there are several other drug options for high blood pressure such as Lisinopril which have shown fewer oral side effects. So if you see tooth decay such as cavities since taking high blood pressure medication, ask your doctor to replace it.

5. Antidepressants

A 2016 study conducted at the University of the Buffalo School of Dental Medicine has managed to observe the relationship between the use of antidepressant drugs and failure of dental implants.Although this new information needs to be confirmed by conducting larger studies, the use of antidepressants has been associated with loss of bone metabolism for more than a decade. Thus, this can increase the likelihood of a person experiencing rampant tooth decay such as bad breath, gum disease, oral yeast infections, and other oral health problems.

6. Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids are used to treat various diseases such as asthma, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. However, long-term corticosteroid use will cause calcification of the dental pulp. Pulp stone disease can cause pain, mouth infections, tooth abscesses, and hardening of the pulp tissue which is so severe that root canal treatment should be done tooth.

Reducing corticosteroid drugs for patients with certain diseases is indeed very difficult, so it is important for you to have an open dialogue with your doctor and dentist.


Indeed it will be a difficult choice when you are required to take drugs to treat certain diseases, but the drug actually has side effects that can cause tooth decay. For this reason, you should regularly consult a doctor to ensure that taking certain drugs does not cause tooth decay. In addition, routine brushing with the right technique and drinking lots of water can prevent further damage.

6 Types of Medications That Can Cause Tooth Damage
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