How often do we have to clean the tartar at the doctor?


Medical Video: Dental Advice : How to Clean Teeth with Dental Tools

Dental problems are often underestimated, even though the teeth and mouth are the main gate for the entry of germs. Most new people will come to the dentist after experiencing a toothache or when they have a bad breath problem. Toothpaste is one of the underestimated dental problems, but can be dangerous if left idle. So, how do you remove tartar? What will happen if it does not remove tartar? When to go to the dentist to remove tartar? See here the answer.

What is tartar?

how to prevent tartar

Tartar or in medical language called dental calculus, is one of the most common dental problems that many people have. According to America dental Hygienists Association, generally tartar appears at the age of children and the risk increases with age.

Tartar is a buildup of plaque that is formed from food scraps that contain bacteria and settles. The rest of the food sticks to the teeth for a long time until it finally hardens to form tartar.

Plaque piles usually take 12 days to mature and actually become tartar. The speed of tartar formation from each person is actually different.

One of the determinations is the pH level of saliva. For people who have a high pH of saliva (above 7) or are alkaline, then the formation of plaque in the teeth is faster so it must be more careful in maintaining dental hygiene.

How do you remove tartar?

tooth scaling

Usually tartar forms above or your gum line. Therefore, how to clean tartar is different from plaque that can be cleaned only by brushing your teeth.

Cleaning tartar is done by a device called an ultrasonic scaler. The activity of cleaning tartar is called scaling teeth that are only done by dentists. With scaling teeth, even very hard tartar can be lost.

This special tool works to clean tartar in great detail, from the sidelines to the deepest part of the tooth. Scaling the tooth will remove tartar from the gum line which is usually difficult to reach with a toothbrush.

Clean tartar with scaling usually done at least every six months. This is why checking teeth regularly and regularly every six months is important.

This routine check-up to the dentist is done to check for any changes that occur in your teeth, one of which is the condition of tartar buildup. However, onsevere case, scaling teeth can be done every three months or according to your doctor's advice.

When cleaning teeth in a wayscaling,it is possible that bleeding, swollen gums and pain will arise. This happens because the gums and teeth that make up adjust to the process scaling that is.

When can a child do the procedure for cleaning tartar?

cleaning tartar

Tartar can occur at any time after your baby has complete milk teeth. At the age of about two to six or seven years, usually children are prone to having dental problems such as plaque or coral.

At this age also children have a high risk of caries or tooth decay because they have usually been introduced to sweet foods that have high sugar content.

If the child's teeth are found with tartar, he may just do the procedure to clean tartar or scaling at the dentist. Scaling teeth do not have a certain age limit. Your child can scaling from any age, provided your child has teeth.

Of course this decision will be even wiser if it is done at the suggestion of a child's dentist. The doctor will find out if your child really needs it scaling or not. If so, the doctor will tell you what the process is like and what are the possible risks. The doctor also first looks at the health condition and dental history of the child.

Therefore, it is important for you to routinely check your child's teeth even before his teeth grow completely. You can start taking your child to the child's dentist when his first teeth begin to grow. Next, you can schedule six months to go to the child's dentist to regularly check the condition and hygiene of your child's teeth.

Is there an impact if you don't clean tartar?


Not a few people who consider the problem of tartar is trivial and not dangerous. Though tartar is the origin of other dental problems.

If the tartar is not cleaned it can cause inflammation of the gums or the so-called gingivitis. Inflammation that gets worse makes the gums bleed very easily, can even cause sudden bleeding.

Untreated gingivitis will continue to periodontitis, the condition when inflammation has spread to the alveolar bone of the tooth. In inflammatory conditions in this section, the teeth will shake and may date themselves.

According to research, periodontitis if it occurs on an ongoing basis is associated with the occurrence of anemia. That's why handling tartar is important to prevent the spread of disease outside the teeth. In fact, bacteria in the tartar that enter the gums and erode the body's supporting tissue can spread to other organs like to the heart organ.

In addition, the problems that can arise are bad breath (halitosis). Bad breath due to tartar occurs because plaque is mixed with food scraps that are not brushed clean when brushing your teeth so that decay occurs in the oral cavity.

Teeth change color also often become dental problems due to corals that are not properly cleaned. Tooth discoloration is usually caused by eating foods and drinks that can change colors such as tea and coffee. Smoking habits can also cause teeth to change color.

How to prevent tartar?

Instead of having to bother removing tartar, you should prevent these mouth problems with some things that are easy to do at home.

Brush your teeth regularly

Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. If you only brush your teeth for 30 seconds to a minute, it won't make the coral disappear from your teeth.

Use a soft, small brush so you can get between your teeth. Make sure all parts of your teeth are affordable when brushing your teeth. In addition, avoid brushing your teeth immediately after eating, because foods that are mixed with saliva cause acid and mouth conditions. This can cause the protective layer (email) of the teeth to be easily eroded.

Using the right toothpaste

Choose toothpaste that can remove tartar and is accompanied by high fluoride content. The fluoride content in toothpaste will help protect the teeth from damage and prevent loss.

Use dental floss (dental floss)

Toothbrushes are sometimes difficult to reach parts of the teeth, so that food can still slip in your teeth. Therefore, you still need to do itflossing teeth for cleaning between gaps or unreachable parts of the teeth.

Routine mouth rinse with mouthwash

Make sure you use mouthwash containing antiseptics, so that it can help kill germs in the mouth. Mouthwash can also be a tartar drug to help eliminate it.

Watch your diet

Your diet and diet choices can also be the cause of tartar. The more you eat sweet foods, the more bacteria or other germs that nest in your mouth.

Foods that contain high sugar are foods that are most preferred by bacteria. Therefore, you should avoid eating sweet foods and drink more water after eating.

Do not smoke

Chemicals in cigarettes can make your teeth filled with coral. Therefore you better stop or avoid smoking habits.

In addition to these methods, you can prevent tartar by doing tooth and gum massage. Here's how to massage your teeth and gums.

  • Wash hands thoroughly, then use your index finger to massage your teeth and gums.
  • Take a little toothpaste and place it on your index finger.
  • Press the gums with the index finger with the toothpaste, then make a circular motion in the teeth and gums and keep pressing the gums gently.
  • Do this all over your teeth and gums to the inside. After that, rinse your mouth using clean water.

How do you whiten teeth due to tartar?

cause of sensitive teeth

The tartar will make your teeth look dull and not maintained. Because the plaque covers the teeth with layers of yellow to black brown.

This tooth discoloration makes you less confident for a big smile. However, you don't worry, you can still get brilliant white teeth in various ways.

There are many ways to whiten teeth, including using whitening toothpaste, free-selling whitening gels, mouthwashes, strips, trays, and other whitening equipment that you can get from your dentist.

You can also do a teeth whitening procedure at a doctor who will usually give a direct change in the color of the teeth. However, this method of whitening teeth cannot only be done once to get a long-term effect.

You should visit the dentist to schedule regular teeth whitening from time to time to maintain the health and appearance of the shiny white teeth that you want.

People who experience tooth discoloration due to tartar have an effective reaction to bleach. However, this procedure is not recommended for everyone. How to whiten teeth is considered the most ideal if you have healthy teeth and gums without fillings.

Bleach toothpaste

All over-the-counter toothpaste on the market serves to remove stains, because there is an abrasive content in it. Some whitening toothpastes contain polishing agents or chemical compounds that act as stain removers.

Even so, whitening toothpaste can only help to erode stains on the tooth surface, which will restore the original color of the tooth.

Usually, over-the-counter teeth whitening products contain carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide which can brighten the color of dull teeth to a younger level.

Conversely, a laser-lightening procedure that can only be done by a dentist will brighten teeth up to three times as white.

Whitening strips and gels

Tooth whitening gels are usually clear with peroxide content, and are used with small toothbrushes directly onto the surface of the tooth. How to use it will differ depending on the level of peroxide content contained in the gel. Follow the rules of use printed on the product label.

The whitening strip has a very thin, almost invisible texture, which is coated with a peroxide bleaching gel. Use a whitening strip twice a day for 30 minutes for 14 days. The results will be immediately visible after a few days and will last up to four months.


Bleach mouthwash is arguably one of the new breakthroughs. Like other mouthwashes, this type of mouthwash will freshen your breath, erode dental plaque, and reduce the risk of gum disease.

The difference is, some bleach mouthwash contains hydrogen peroxide which can brighten the color of the teeth. The use of whitening mouthwash should be done regularly for at least 12 weeks if you want a change in the color of the teeth.

Rinse fluids in your mouth and reach each tooth surface with the help of your tongue. Do it for 60 seconds twice a day before brushing your teeth.

Even so, experts assess that the use of whitening mouthwash is not effective. Mouthwash will only hit the surface of the teeth for a while (estimated to last only 2 minutes per day) compared to using a whitening strip that can last for 30 minutes per day.

Therefore, using mouthwash is not as good as when you use bleach strips.

Natural tartar drug to overcome tooth discoloration

Side effects of whitening teeth with bleaching

In addition to these methods, there are other ways to whiten teeth, which you can do using natural ingredients at home. The following is a natural tartar remedy to overcome tooth discoloration.

Baking soda and lemon juice

Baking soda has a rough texture so that it can help lift stains that stick to the teeth. The alkaline nature of baking soda can also neutralize acid in the mouth due to food scraps and bacteria that can damage tooth enamel. In addition, baking soda can act as an acid balancing agent of lemon juice, which functions as a whitener.

You can also take turns using lemon juice and water as a baking soda solvent every few days to avoid tooth decay.

Strawberries, salt, and baking soda

Strawberry fruit contains high vitamin C. This function destroys the plaque that causes yellow teeth. This fruit is also rich in maleic acid enzymes which will release stains on the surface of the teeth.

Salt acts as scrub which will destroy stubborn dirt in the teeth. Baking soda is the ingredient of choice in this home scrub, which you can use or can not, according to your taste.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can be used as a mouthwash that functions as a tartar drug and can be used also to overcome tooth discoloration. Maybe the taste doesn't taste good, but this oil has proven effective in restoring the color of the teeth.

Maybe the effects you experience won't be as effective as "bleaching"Which is done with special tools or directly at the dentist, but the content of lauric acid in coconut oil can eradicate plaques and bacteria that cause yellow teeth. Coconut oil will also maintain healthy gums and bad breath remains fresh.

How often do we have to clean the tartar at the doctor?
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