6 Things You Can Make Your Sleep Schedule Interrupted


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In addition to getting up early in fact having quality sleep is also a problem for many people, especially for those who have high stress levels. Apart from stress, the cause of not being able to sleep well turns out to be different, you know! Without your realizing it, there are some things around you that can make you unable to sleep well which causes disturbed sleep schedules every night.

The cause of the sleep schedule is disrupted

There are various external factors that can dramatically affect your sleep schedule every night. The following are some of the causes that can disrupt sleep schedules.

1. Light effect

Are you one of the people who likes to sleep using lights? Well, it could be because this habit is disturbed sleep schedule. Light is one of the most important external factors that can affect your sleep. This directly makes it difficult for you to fall asleep so that it can affect sleep time and get quality sleep.The reason is, our eyes react to light and darkness, even when our eyelids are closed.

This is because light affects the circadian rhythm in the body through special "light sensitive" cells in the retina of the eye by reducing the production of the hormone melatonin. These cells make the body more alert because they think that it is still afternoon - all the time, due to the emission of light that can come from the beam of your room's lights. In fact, in fact it was night.

2. Jet lag

Jet lag or time zone syndrome is a disturbance caused by the movement between time zones that occur quickly. The human body is regulated by a circadian rhythm that is regulated in the brain of the hypothalamus which is synchronized with the "dark-light cycle" so as to keep us awake during the day and fall asleep at night naturally.

Now, this circadian rhythm adapts slowly to changing time zones. As a result, when there is rapid displacement, the release of melatonin (a hormone that functions to signal the body to sleep or wake up) becomes incompatible with the "dark-light cycle".

This jet lag usually occurs when a person travels across time zones - has different hours from the area of ​​origin or type of work that requires working on the night shift which requires them to work at night and sleep during the day.

3. Certain medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can have a direct impact on your sleep patterns. Because every condition that makes you trapped pain or discomfort can make you unable to sleep well. Some medical conditions resulting from arthritis, stomach acid disorders, menstrual syndrome, fibromyalgia, and many others that cause chronic pain can keep you awake at night.

4. Caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine is one of the stimulants that can survive in the body system for hours. If you drink drinks that contain high caffeine, it will prevent you from being able to sleep well. So the assumption that drinking too much coffee will make it difficult to sleep properly.

Alcohol also has an effect on your sleep patterns. Frequently drinking alcohol a few hours before going to bed will make you stretch more often and have difficulty breathing which makes sleeping so restless.

Overnight a person usually has six to seven REM sleep cycles, which make him feel refreshed after waking up. However, when before going to bed you drink alcohol will reduce the REM sleep cycle only one to two cycles which will make you wake up feeling tired.

5. Eat heavy food before going to bed

Eating heavy foods in large quantities close to bedtime can also interfere with sleep. Spicy or fatty foods can cause heartburn, which will make it difficult for you to fall asleep because you feel discomfort in the abdomen throughout the night.

In addition, foods that contain chemicals called tyramine (for example, including bacon, cheese, beans and red wine) can keep you awake at night. Because tyramine causes the release of noradrenaline, a brain stimulant. Carbohydrates, such as bread or pasta, have the opposite effect. They trigger the release of serotonin, which makes us sleepy.

6. Environmental influences

The environment of the bedroom can have a significant influence on the quality and quantity of one's sleep. Some things that can affect one's sleep patterns from environments other than light are temperature, cleanliness and noise.

Adapting to the factors in the sleep environment that make you feel comfortable, and eliminating things that can cause stress or distractions can be the best way to make your sleep more restful. Research shows that the ideal temperature range for sleep varies greatly among people. So basically there is no room temperature which is best for producing optimal sleep patterns.

6 Things You Can Make Your Sleep Schedule Interrupted
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