4 Effective and Easy Ways to Overcome Diabetes-induced Leg Cramps


Medical Video: How to Stop Leg and Foot Cramps at Night - Why Do Legs Cramp at Night?

Diabetes can cause various complications. One of the things that might happen is leg cramps. Yes, pain and cramps in the legs often occur due to nerve damage called diabetic neuropathy. If left without treatment, this condition can lead to serious foot problems, even leading to amputation. Therefore, it is important to know various ways to deal with leg cramps due to diabetes.

Appropriate treatment can relieve symptoms of complications and improve the quality of life of patients as a whole.

Various ways to deal with leg cramps due to diabetes

1. Control blood sugar

check diabetes blood sugar

Diabetic neuropathy generally occurs in the legs and legs. Without proper treatment, this condition can weaken you. The main thing you can do to reduce the risk of advanced diabetes complications is to make sure your blood sugar is always within the normal range.

Yes, controlling blood sugar is an important key to treating diabetes. You can start by changing your diet to be healthier by avoiding sweet and high-fat foods. Instead, multiply fiber intake and nutritious vitamins from fruits and vegetables.

No less important, you are also required to check blood sugar every day. That way, you can do quick treatment if at any time blood sugar soars dramatically.

2. Use painkillers

Dirithromycin is a medicine

How to deal with leg cramps because diabetes can also be done by taking painkillers. Types of medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help reduce mild to moderate pain. These drugs are sold freely at a pharmacy or drug store without a prescription.

While for severe pain and severe cramps, the doctor may give prescription painkillers. Some painkillers that your doctor may prescribe include:

  • Opioid
  • Antidepressants like duloxetine (Cymbalta)
  • Anticonvulsants like pregabalin (Lyrica)

3. Food supplements

vitamin supplements for vegetarians

Certain dietary supplements can also help relieve leg pain and cramps due to diabetes. Some nutrients may play a role in repairing nerve tissue and even protecting against future damage. Scientists specifically investigate the following supplements for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy:

  • Alpha lipoid acid (ALA). ALA is an antioxidant that has taken many people's attention as natural diabetes medicine. These antioxidants are usually found in some foods such as broccoli and carrots. ALA is also available as an oral supplement. People with diabetes consume ALA to help reduce pain and prevent further nerve damage.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine.This supplement mimics natural chemicals found in the body. This is thought to help produce healthy nerve cells. Unfortunately, this supplement has the risk of side effects such as vomiting and can interact with blood thinners.
  • Vitamin B12.This vitamin is contained in meat and fish. Its function is to help support red blood cells. This vitamin also has the potential to improve healthy nerve function while preventing damage. Metformin, a drug commonly used in people with type 2 diabetes, is known to be at risk of lowering the body's vitamin B12 levels. However, consult your doctor first to make sure you are not experiencing B12 deficiency which can cause nerve damage and diabetic neuropathy.
  • Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps support healthy nerve function and also reduces swelling that can cause pain.

It is important to understand that dietary supplements do not cure leg cramps due to diabetes. Until now researchers also continue to study the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements as a way to overcome leg cramps due to diabetes. In addition, not all patients need this supplement, because some patients may have enough nutrition from the food they eat.

So, always consult a doctor before you decide to take food supplements as a way to overcome leg cramps due to diabetes. Especially if you are taking other drugs.

4. Handling in other homes

soaking feet

Treating leg pain and cramps due to diabetes does not only require drugs or supplements. Although this method can reduce inflammation and pain, treatment may take a lot of time. In addition, it may be dangerous to take certain drugs such as opioids, for long periods of time.

You can also treat at home as another way to treat foot cramps due to diabetes. Here are some ways to deal with diabetic foot cramps that you can try:

  • Actively moving, just walking in the morning or evening or using a static bicycle to increase blood flow in the legs
  • Do acupuncture
  • Soak your feet in warm water

When should I see a doctor?

Immediately consult a doctor if you experience leg cramps that are unusual and have lasted a long time. Cramps or rheumatic pain can show diabetic neuropathy that is getting worse. Report symptoms immediately to your doctor.

Even you should immediately consult a doctor even if you only complain of mild leg aches and cramps. If you do not have a history of neurological disease, these symptoms can be a sign peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Yes, diabetes makes you more susceptible to PAD, which is a serious condition characterized by blood vessels that are blocked in the legs. PAD also increases your risk of being exposed heart attack and stroke.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute estimates that 1 in 3 adults with diabetes over the age of 50 have PAD. Most people do not realize that they have PAD because of warning signs or symptoms that are not visible.

4 Effective and Easy Ways to Overcome Diabetes-induced Leg Cramps
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