Is it true that lazy people tend to have higher IQs?



Do you like to sit for hours while daydreaming? Or imagine something? Hmmm ... you could be someone who has a high IQ. Usually, intelligent people tend to spend more time thinking. This makes them often silent rather than spending time on the move and moving.

Lazy people tend to have high IQs

Based on research from Florida Gulf Coast University which was published in Journal of Health Psychology,found that people who tend to be lazy to move have a high level of intelligence or Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

In this study, researchers involved a sample of 60 students divided into two groups: thinkers and groups not thinkers. The respondents in this study were wearing accelerometer that is, an activity monitor that is applied to their wrists to measure how active they are for seven days.

The result, from Monday to Friday, is that thinker groups are far less active in activities, compared to those who are not thinkers. While on weekends, research shows that there is no difference in the level of physical activity between the two groups.

What is the connection between high IQ and lazy activities?

According to the researchers, this was caused by awareness of lower activity in people with high IQ. Groups that are not thinkers feel bored faster by just sitting quietly daydreaming, which makes them interested in doing physical activities such as sports.

Therefore, physically active people have a tendency to get rid of their thoughts and choose to take time to exercise. While people who think are more likely to challenge their minds by solving various problems. Then they will evaluate the ideas used, and finally make a solution.

Research shows that people who are very intelligent and rational thinking have a long attention span in solving problems. This is what makes them sometimes lazy to move.

The key is in consciousness

Researchers revealed that ultimately the important factor to help people be more active and productive is awareness. Their awareness of laziness or their awareness of costs. Therefore, many wise people choose to be more active and productive throughout the day.

In previous studies it was known if people were introvert or closed prefer to be alone thinking about something. Those who have a high level of intelligence will look for time and silence to be used. Because social interaction often reduces their ability to explore the mind, this is the reason they do not like socializing or looking for activities that will be mind-consuming.

Not that you can be lazy

The researchers also say that being a thinker and lazy person is a negative impact on lifestyle. They suggest that even less active people, even if they are smart and smart, must remain active and productive in order to maintain the health of their bodies.

Is it true that lazy people tend to have higher IQs?
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