Have High Blood Pressure Can Make You Risk of Kidney Disease


Medical Video: Renal nutrition therapy for kidney disease

It is important to understand that if you have high blood pressure, you are also at risk for kidney disease. What is the relationship between kidney disease and hypertension or high blood pressure? Consider the following explanation and prevention.

What is the relationship between high blood pressure and kidney disease?

Hypertension or high blood pressure can make people at risk for kidney disease. Because the blood pressure that is too high can make blood vessels in the kidneys damaged and the kidneys do not work optimally.

If the kidney's blood vessels are damaged, the kidneys can stop filtering poisons and regulating excess fluid from the body. Extra fluid in the blood vessels can increase blood pressure more, so that more high blood pressure also makes the condition worse.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease?

The inability of the kidneys to get rid of toxins carried from the blood can trigger the heart rhythm to become abnormal and even cause sudden death.

Unfortunately, the initial detection of kidney disease symptoms is not much felt, but if ignored it will cause greater danger. The following are symptoms of kidney disease that must be considered:

  • The color of urine or urine changes
  • The body becomes easily tired
  • Some parts of the body become swollen because of accumulation of fluid that cannot be removed by the kidneys
  • The waist part hurts
  • Feel nauseous and short of breath

How to prevent and treat kidney disease and hypertension?

There are several ways you can control your kidney disease and hypertension simultaneously:

Routinely check blood pressure at home

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The latest blood pressure guidelines state that blood pressure must be below 140/90 if you have high blood pressure and kidney disease. Just checking blood pressure at a doctor's office is not enough.

Having a blood pressure check at home is also very important. When checking your blood pressure at home, don't become obsessed. You don't have to check your blood pressure every minute of every day.

The best way is to check blood pressure in the morning and at dinner time and then at lunch and before bed the next day. Always record the size of your blood pressure.

At the same time, also pay attention: does your blood pressure increase in the morning? How about the afternoon? Maybe your blood pressure rises at night. Note if this happens and talk to your doctor

Take care of your diet

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A poor diet is very likely to cause blood pressure to soar. So, you must reduce salty foods that contain lots of salt and processed foods, so that blood pressure remains normal.

To prevent hypertension and kidney getting worse, you can choose foods that are high in potassium which can help maintain stable blood pressure. You can find potassium in potatoes, bananas, avocados, fish, and milk.

Not only that, low-fat foods and fibrous foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are also recommended for consumption.

Exercise and active motion

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Sports is one way to prevent hypertension which is quite effective. In fact, people who exercise regularly have a lower risk of hypertension than those who don't exercise at all. Where the low risk of developing hypertension will also reduce your risk of getting kidney disease as well.

To keep blood pressure normal, you should do exercise for 2 hours to 30 minutes per week. No need for sports that are too difficult, just a way to relax,jogging, or just biking can prevent hypertension.

Have High Blood Pressure Can Make You Risk of Kidney Disease
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