Helping Parents Suffering from Back Pain


Medical Video: 60-Second Back Pain Fixes

Does your mother or father suffer from lower back pain? Do you feel sad when you see the struggle and suffering? Don't despair. Here are some ways that you can help your parents manage and control back pain.

Learn more about the condition of your parents' backs

Back pain is not only a painful symptom but can be a chronic condition. To help your parents' condition, you must first learn and understand the condition. Studying as much lower back pain as possible will help you understand the daily struggles that young people experience. Your research will not only help you but also help your parents understand their conditions to make healthier choices. She will definitely appreciate your efforts. By understanding these conditions, you can more and more sympathize with them. Research on the condition of your parents' back will also help find a right back pain specialist and determine the most suitable treatment option.

Rearrange the house to minimize back strain

It is true that the less often your parents move, the more comfortable it will be. Then try to make the house more "friendly" for back pain. First of all, you can start moving the objects you use most often, to areas that are at chest height. That way, your parents don't need to bend (can make your back hurt) to take a cup or cup of coffee. In addition, you can give your parents a special pillow for his favorite chair. This will help maintain correct posture.

Stairs are always a problem when you have back pain. You can move your parents' room to the ground floor. In this way he can have everything he needs on one floor. This method will reduce tension on the back.

Use hot and cold therapy

You can also consider hot and cold therapy to help your parents manage back pain. You have to choose the treatment that makes him most comfortable. Maybe he feels better with an ice pack or maybe with a heating pad. If your parents have inflammation and want to reduce swelling, cold therapy is a suitable choice, while heat therapy works better to reduce cramps and muscle spasms.

Use natural supplements

In addition to medications prescribed by a doctor, you can also consider natural supplements. Consult a doctor or pharmacist about natural supplements that can be consumed by people with back pain. They may recommend glucosamine (500 mg, three times a day), flaxseed oil (two teaspoons per day), calcium and zinc (50 mg per day), and vitamin C (2,000 mg per day). Make sure your pharmacist knows about other drugs you are taking. You don't want any potential drug interactions. This supplement can be an easy way to help improve overall health.

Ease in sports

It's easy to just lie down when you have a backache. However, this is not always the best idea. Sometimes resting is useful for certain types of back pain caused by decreased muscle strength. Instead, you can encourage your parents to stretch or walk everyday. The best way is to experiment and find the type of exercise you can do without feeling sick. You should also suggest swimming. Regular exercise is a great way to gain muscle strength and eliminate back pain.

Consider yoga

You can register parents for yoga classes. Yoga can be a great way for you and your parents to enjoy sports and give them motivation. Yoga is considered very good for sufferers of back pain, can help treat back pain and teach patients the right way of breathing techniques. Breathing properly can affect the nervous system. This can relieve your parents of muscle tension and back pain.

Helping Parents Suffering from Back Pain
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