7 Tips for Quickly Recovering After Surgery


Medical Video: Incision Care Discharge Instructions

After the surgery, there will be lots of advice from doctors, families, or relatives who visit so that you recover quickly. Fill in the words including things to do and things you should not do after your surgery. What is it, what is important is done after the surgery to recover quickly?

1. Don't move too much

organ transplant

Many people feel that they have healed completely after surgery. Then they became active and began to immediately try to do their daily activities again such as cleaning the house, sports, or directly into the office.

Unfortunately, in order to recover quickly you are advised not to move too much. Why? This can cause injury to the surgical wound and cause serious complications such as infection.

2. Get enough sleep

cancer patients cannot sleep

Get enough sleepOne of the best ways to recover quickly after surgery. A tired body will be more difficult to recover from surgery. If you have been allowed to go home, it is recommended to sleep at least seven hours every night and take a nap for about one hour.

3. Eat healthy food

increase appetite

Generally after surgery the doctor will askrmake special dietary restrictions. You will be encouraged to eat foods that can speed up the healing process.

Try to consume protein foods which can help wound healing and tissue regeneration in cut wounds. You can eat low-fat but protein-rich foods like skinless chicken, fish, eggs, or tofu.

4. Be careful when coughing

stomach pain when coughing

Did you know that coughing after surgery must be done correctly? Yes, there are special ways to cough so that the incision is not open and causes infection. The trick, if you want to cough and hold the part that covers the operating wound using a pillow or hand, then cough as slowly as possible.

5. Don't skip consulting a doctor

symptoms of PCOS

Many people feel that after their surgery there is no need to consult a doctor anymore because they have no complaints. This is the wrong thing.

Consultation with a doctor in the postoperative recovery period is important to check for possible complications. The doctor will also check for problems or not in your overall condition, especially in the surgical incision scar. So, obey the doctor to come to the consultation on schedule.

6. Take medication regularly

forget to take diabetes medication

It is important to keep taking the medication that your doctor gives you after you have surgery and return home, because medicines can help your body recover quickly. Usually you are recommended to take painkillers.

You are allowed to take several painkillers only when you feel sick. Because the pain reliever can cause stomach irritation and cause drowsiness. As much as possible avoid driving while taking stronger painkillers.

If you are recommended to take antibiotics, be sure to get the right dose of antibiotics according to your doctor's direction. This is done to prevent possible infections that can occur after surgery and antibiotic resistance.

7. Make sure your hands are always clean

wash hands after from the toilet

Almost everyone feels anxious or intentionally curious and then touches the incision wound from the operation. It's really not touching, with a note that your hands are clean, aka wash your hands. If you touch without washing your hands, the incision is susceptible to infection and can heal longer.

7 Tips for Quickly Recovering After Surgery
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