Sundries Injuries


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For people who exercise, ankle or ankle injuries are a common condition. Sprained ankles have been estimated at 30% of injuries that occur during exercise. Even if you don't exercise, this can happen to you too.

What is an ankle injury?

Your ankle or ankle consists of bones supported by muscles and ligaments to help balance and stabilize the ankle joint. Any damage to this section is considered an ankle injury. Common ankle disorders include:

  • Sprained (ligament injury)Ligament damage occurs when they stretch beyond their normal range of motion. This can take several weeks to several months to get well.
  • Tense: damage to muscles and tendons due to being stretched or stretched too far. Mild to moderate tension can take several weeks to heal, while heavy pressure (where the tendon is torn) can take several months.
  • Fracture: broken one or more bones. Depending on the severity and age, it can take a recovery time of 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Tendonitis (most often Achilles tendonitis): a condition in which inflammation of the tendon occurs.
  • Arthritisa group of conditions that cause pain and inflammation in the joints.

From this injury, sprains and fractures are the most common ankle injuries.

What are the symptoms of ankle injury?

The most common symptom of an ankle injury is pain. You may also see swelling in the wound and experience stiffness and inability to move or put weight on your ankles.

Tendonitis or Achilles tendonitis can produce the same symptoms, but can be accompanied by:

  • Pain on the outside and back of the ankle
  • Thickening of tendons
  • Weakness or instability in the ankle
  • Swelling that gets worse with physical activity
  • Increased height of this arch of the foot
  • The appearance of a loud voice behind the heel indicates a ruptured tendon. If this happens, immediately seek medical help.

What causes ankle injury?

Simply put, any activity that uses ankles can have the risk of injury. The causes of ankle injuries are numerous and varied: from daily activities, such as running and jumping, excessive sports-related injuries.

Sprained ankles, tension and fractures are usually caused by:

  • Circular movement on the ankle
  • Sprain or fall
  • Landing in an incorrect position after jumping
  • Walk or run on an uneven surface
  • Sudden events like a car accident

Tendonitis in the ankle or Achilles tendonitis can be caused by:

  • Weak muscles in the legs and feet
  • Excessive tension in the Achilles tendon (the tendon that connects your calf and heel)
  • An unusual bone structure in the heel that rubs on the Achilles tendon

Because arthritis is a group of conditions, there are several things that can be the cause:

  • Osteoarthritis is caused by weakened cartilage and reduced bone mass
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs when the immune system attacks healthy cartilage tissue
  • Post-traumatic arthritis is when the joints keep inflaming and become stiff

If you experience these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately:

  • Severe pain or swelling
  • Open wounds or severe defects
  • Signs of infection, such as redness, fever and pain in the part of the injured or fever more than 37.8 ° C
  • Cannot put a burden on your feet.

How to diagnose ankle injuries?

To diagnose an ankle injury, your doctor will first examine the injury for any joint dislocation or fracture signs to reduce inflammation and swelling. The doctor will ask about:

  • When did the injury occur?
  • What did you do when the injury occurred? Do you walk or walk on uneven ground or play sports?
  • Are there excessive inversions or eversions? Is there a sound that is heard?
  • Where do you feel pain?
  • After an injury, are you able to stand / bear the weight after that? Do you continue to move despite injury?
  • Is there immediate swelling?

Your doctor will also ask about your injury history to find out if there is an ankle injury, and if there are drugs, herbs or supplements that you are currently using. To check for broken bones or torn tendons, additional imaging tests will be needed. This test includes:

  • X-ray
  • Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
  • Computed tomography(CT) scan.

What are the treatments for ankle injuries?

After an injury, the first thing you need to do is to follow the RICE method: rest (break), ice (ice), compression (compression), elevation (elevation).

  • It is important to rest your ankle from pressure.
  • You can use ice packs or ice cubes put in bags or clothes to reduce numbness and swelling
  • Use compression to move and support your ankles, but slightly loosen the bandages to allow blood flow and prevent loss of sensation in your feet.
  • Lifting the injured ankle to at least align with your heart level will reduce swelling and pain.

Remember not to put weight on your ankles or try to fix them before going to the doctor. If you notice any swelling, bleeding or bruising, you should see a doctor immediately. Broken bones and sprains that are neglected or not handled properly can cause long-term chronic problems in the ankles, such as repeated injuries, ankle weakness, and arthritis.

Treatment will depend on certain conditions and symptoms. Treatment will include non-surgical and surgical options. Your doctor may treat sprains, strains and fractures without surgery by using splints or casts if the injury is minor. For example, your tendon is torn or a broken bone is severe, you may need surgery. You may need surgery to:

  • Reconstruct the bones and joints in the ankle
  • Lifting damaged network (debridement)
  • Extends the calf muscle to reduce pressure on the Achilles tendon
  • Connect the bones in the ankles to make the legs more stable (arthrodesis)
  • Replacing the ankle joint (arthroplasty).

Even with or without surgery, you may need drug therapy to control pain from injury. Non-surgical options involve:

  • Use medication for pain
  • Take medication to reduce swelling and inflammation (such as aspirin or ibuprofen)
  • Rest and lift your ankles
  • Compress ice to reduce swelling
  • Compression bandages or casts to paralyze the ankles
  • Cortisone injections (steroids) to reduce pain and swelling.

After treatment, you may need physical therapy to normalize motion at your ankle. You can work with a doctor or therapist to plan a program at home or with a therapist. It can take several months to get back to normal without limping.

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