Understanding Antiarrhythmic Medicine Group II


Medical Video: Pharmacology - ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS (MADE EASY)

Medications that prevent or treat cardiac arrhythmias are called antiarrhythmics. Antiarrhythmic drugs are classified according to their use in 5 groups.

Group II is beta adrenergic which inhibits agents preventing receptor stimulation beta adrenergic nerve endings in the sympathetic nervous system and decrease heart activity. These drugs reduce systolic pressure, heart rate, heart contractions and output, reduce myocardial oxygen demand and increase exercise tolerance.

Inhibiting agent beta adrenergic used in the treatment of angina, controlling heart rate abnormalities, and reducing high blood pressure. However, inhibition of beta receptors can cause bronchial constriction, then use beta blockers care must be taken in patients with respiratory conditions.

Cardioselective beta-blockers (beta1-selective blockers) has the advantage that they affect the heart, which has beta1 receptors. Effect from broncho-constriction can be reduced by beta1 selective blockers, where the bronchial muscles have advantages beta2 receptor. But the danger from broncho-constriction cannot be left alone, because they are not entirely selective.

Drugs beta blockers can include:

  • Acebutolol - Sectral
  • Atenolol - Tenormin
  • Betaxolol - Betoptic, Betoptic S, Kerlone
  • Bisoprolol - Zebeta
  • Carteolol - Oral Cartrol, Ocupress Ophthalmic
  • Celiprolol - Celol
  • Esmolol - Brevibloc
  • Labetalol - Normodyne, Trandate
  • Levobetaxolol - Betaxon
  • Levobunolol - Betagan
  • Metipranolol - Optipranolol
  • Metoprolol - Lopressor, Toprol XL
  • Nadolol - Corgard
  • Penbutolol - Levatol
  • Pindolol - Visken
  • Propranolol - Inderal, Inderal LA
  • Sotalol - Betapace AF, Betapace
  • Timolol - Betimol, Blocadren, Timoptic-XE, Timoptic, Timoptic OcuDose

The role of antiarrhythmic drugs in treating heart disease

Beta-adrenergic blockers is one of the most commonly given cardiovascular medicines. Many beta-blockers available for clinical use. Although these agents are different, there is no apparent difference in relevance, other than beta1-, beta2- and receptors alpha-adrenergic. The selection of agents and target doses is best with instructions on experimental data, although limited.

Nonselective agent (with or without traits) alpha-blocking) without Intrinsic Sympathetic Activity (ISA) is the most suitable postinfarction. Evidence shows postinfarction mortality benefits for propranolol, timolol, metoprolol, and left ventricular dysfunction, carvediol.

In conditions of heart failure, the selective agent of metoprolol, bisoprolol and nonselective agents carvedilol have a mortality advantage. Not all beta-blockers which is tolerated associated with survival benefits and may not be recommended for the benefits of extrapolate on similar drugs. Carvedilol can have advantages over beta-blockers other and possible benefits of survival, although this discovery is not universally accepted.

The selection of specific agents prevents clear contraindications and uses experimental data to assist with selection and dosage as long as there are no side effects or can be tolerated.

Left ventricular hypertrophy is a strong predictor of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity and regression reduces risk, free of the effect of reducing blood pressure. In patients with hypertension, medications that suppress LVH are needed. In the LIFE study, antihypertensive treatment with losartan-based therapy resulted in greater LVH suppression compared to conventional atenolol-based therapy. In a meta-analysis of 104 studies comparing antihypertensive strategies in LVH regression, therapy-based beta-blockers produce at least LVH regression compared with RAAS blockers, bad calcium, and diuretics. Beta-blockers does not reduce collagen in myocardium content and is not effective in LVH regression. Therefore, benefits beta-blockers in patients with LVH questionable.

Always consult with a doctor before using group II antiarrhythmia. Inform your doctor if you are or planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding. Also tell your doctor what medications you use, including natural and herbal supplements.

Tell your doctor if you have an allergy to group II antiarrhythmic treatment.

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Understanding Antiarrhythmic Medicine Group II
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