Ways to Tell Children About Your Heart Disease


Medical Video: Kidz Explain -- EPISODE 1 'What is a Heart Attack?'

You or your partner have been diagnosed with heart disease. How will you tell your children?

First, realize that you need to talk to them several times. Prepare what you want to say and end the conversation with a question and answer session. Be sure to start talking about this as early as possible.

Parents often feel worried if they talk wrong and even disrupt the conversation. It is important to know, that conversations are less pleasant, if discussed patiently and for good purposes, this is better than not talking about it at all.

Here are some ways to start a conversation:

  • Choose the right time

When can your child usually talk to you seriously? Before sleeping? When on the way? When walking? Experts recommend thinking carefully about the best time to start a conversation.

  • Give information little by little

Not all children will ask bluntly. Some children have simpler questions. Some children want to see what the heart looks like and want to know what is happening. Some want to know whether with this disease, next week's vacation will still be implemented or not. Give information slowly and wait for questions from your child.

When your child asks questions, ask them to tell them what they think or concern they have. The more information you get from them, the easier you are to understand what they are thinking.

  • Explain that this is not their fault

Some children can blame themselves. Therefore, it is important to explain that they did not make any mistakes that caused you pain. Younger children can feel that they are causing your illness because they have been angry with you. Be sure to tell children that your illness is not their fault, and there are things they can do to improve the situation, such as exercising and eating healthy food.

  • Make them feel safe

Bad news can cause children to worry about changing their daily routine. Eliminate these worries by explaining some of the changes that will occur, such as who will pick them up at school when you go to the doctor, or who will prepare their supplies. You can receive help from the people around you. If they offer it, ask for help preparing lunch and picking up children from exercise. This can help children if their routine stays organized.

  • WARNING: Don't talk about your concerns

The biggest mistake parents can make is to share personal concerns with children, such as financial problems and how your disease impacts on work. This will only make children feel anxious and helpless.

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Ways to Tell Children About Your Heart Disease
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