Recognizing Dermoid Cysts, Cysts that Have Nerves, Hair, and Teeth


Medical Video: What is a dermoid cyst in the ovary | Natural Health

Cysts are closed capsule-like lumps or fluid-filled bags that can appear on the surface of the skin or grow very deep under the skin or so you cannot feel it. Cysts include a type of benign tumor that does not cause cancer, but can cause symptoms and complaints if the size gets bigger. Of the many types of cysts that exist, maybe dermoid cysts include those you rarely hear.

This cyst is quite unique because it is different from most cysts. Come on, find out more about dermoid cysts in this article!

What is a dermoid cyst?

Cysts generally form and develop from abnormal tissue growth. Cyst lumps usually contain clear fluid, pus, or gas. Unlike normal cysts, dermoid cysts are composed of various structures of hair, teeth, nerves, skin glands, and fat cells. Sounds scary, huh?

Dermoid cysts can appear from birth or grow slowly with a texture that is not soft or tends to hard.

These cysts usually appear on the surface of the skin or inside the skin layer. Even so, these cysts can also appear on the face, ovaries, brain and spine.

What causes dermoid cysts to appear?

As explained earlier, dermoid cysts are composed of various types of tissue that should grow outside the skin layer.

However, these dental tissues, hair, nerves, skin glands, and fat cells are trapped inside the structure of the skin to form pockets.

This cyst is thought to occur because of a disruption during the process of forming fetal cells in the womb.

What symptoms indicate dermoid cysts?

Just like other cysts, many people who have dermoid cysts are not aware of the symptoms. After the cyst has enlarged and has problematic symptoms, new dermoid cysts can be detected and diagnosed.

The symptoms of this cyst include pain that disrupts daily activities in the area of ​​the cyst growing. The pain that is felt is not always the same because it depends on where the cyst appears.

For example, reported from the Women 's Health page, a woman who had a dermoid cyst in her ovary area, always complained of severe pain and pain every time she menstruated. Not only that, his body will also easily become weak, vomit, and often experience lower back pain.

the chance of a cyst growing again

It's best to immediately seek medical treatment when ...

When you feel pain or pain that doesn't go away, it even gets worse every day, don't delay to consult this condition to the doctor. This condition can be caused by cysts that have ruptured so that inflammation occurs in the body which then causes pain.

If the doctor suspects that the cause is from a dermoid cyst, then several follow-up tests are needed to really confirm the truth. Not infrequently, doctors will recommend further examinations such as CT scans and others depending on the results of the initial examination.

So, what is the right treatment for this condition?

Actually, cysts that grow in the body can be said to be benign as long as they are small in size and can disappear on their own. When the cyst starts to grow larger, you need to be more vigilant because it can become more severe and risk infection.

Therefore, treatment for any type of cyst is not always the same. Some do not need any treatment, do home care, until they have to be handled directly by a doctor.

Treatment at home

Although in some cases cysts can be treated alone at home, for example compressed with warm water. But not with dermoid cysts, the treatment of this one cyst is not really recommended to only be done at home. Because, it is still possible for these cysts to grow back if they are not removed from the body.

Treatment by a doctor

Removal of dermoid cysts by a doctor can be done by surgery. Initially the doctor cleans the area where the cyst grows, followed by injecting the anesthetic, then the doctor will make an incision in the area and remove the entire cyst optimally.

Recognizing Dermoid Cysts, Cysts that Have Nerves, Hair, and Teeth
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