3 Benefits of Apricot Fruit for Skin Health and Beauty


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Bathing has become a daily habit to cleanse the body of dust and dirt that sticks after a day of activities. But, did you know that just bathing with water is not enough to remove dirt on the skin? Cleaning products like soap are needed to clean the skin thoroughly.

Using bath soap from natural ingredients besides helping to cleanse the body also has various other benefits such as preventing dull skin. One of the natural ingredients that are widely used in skin cleansing products is apricots. However, do you know what are the benefits of apricots for skin health and beauty?

Benefits of apricots for skin health

Apricots are small orange fruits originating from China. But now, almost 90 percent of apricots are grown in the United States and come from California. This one fruit contains various vitamins and minerals that are good for the health of the body, one of them is the skin. The following are various benefits of apricots for skin health.

1. Fight free radicals

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The first benefits of apricots are to help fight free radicals. Daily exposure to free radicals from motor vehicle fumes and UV rays cannot be avoided by those who move outdoors. This makes the body and skin as the outermost protective layer of the body become endangered.

Well, apricots include fruits that contain a number of antioxidants that are quite strong.

Antioxidants are compounds that can fight free radicals. The largest source of antioxidants in apricots comes from vitamin A (beta-carotene) and vitamin C. In addition, apricots are also rich in other antioxidants such as polyphenol antioxidants such as flavonoids.

Antioxidants in apricots help reduce the buildup of harmful free radicals in the body to prevent damage to body cells, including skin damage.

2. Overcoming inflammation of the skin

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Apart from containing antioxidants, apricots also contain anti-inflammatory compounds. The anti-inflammatory content of apricots helps to deal with inflammation of the skin, such as acne, both facial and back acne.

In addition, this compound also helps treat various skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema. Therefore, eating apricots directly or using various apricot-based skin care products can be an alternative for those with acne and other skin problems due to inflammation.

3. Fight signs of skin aging

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The content of vitamin A in apricots is also able to help reduce the signs of premature aging such as brown and black spots on the skin of the body, as well as fine and rough wrinkles due to excessive exposure to ultarviolet light. In addition, the content of vitamin E in apricots also helps maintain skin elasticity and elasticity by increasing the production of collagen in the skin.

The importance of maintaining clean and healthy skin with natural ingredients

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The number of products on the market that are claimed to be able to maintain healthy skin don't necessarily make you origin not careful in choosing skin care products. Products with natural ingredients are more suitable for daily use so that the skin remains healthy.

Judging from the benefits, apricots are one of the natural ingredients that can be used as an option for those who want to have healthy and beautiful skin. Using bath soap with a natural scrub content from apricot seeds can be a good choice for your health, especially for those of you who are active outdoors.

Try to choose bath soap with granular content scrub natural from apricot seeds to be able to lift dirt to the pores for overall skin cleanliness and prevent dull skin.

3 Benefits of Apricot Fruit for Skin Health and Beauty
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