5 Easy Ways for Children to Avoid Germs


Medical Video: Germ Smart - Wash Your Hands!

Which parents want their child to be sick. Of course, as a parent you will do various things to prevent children from getting sick. Actually, there is no need to forbid your child from playing outside for fear of getting bacteria. You just need to do a variety of simple things that can indeed prevent disease attacks on your little one. So what are you doing?

How do you prevent children from getting sick due to germs?

In fact, there are many bacteria, viruses, and other microbes that lurk the health of your child. Of course, if you don't pay attention, your child will easily get an infectious disease. Don't want to, right, your little one is weak and lethargic because of an infectious disease? Well, there are actually many ways you can prevent children from getting sick. Anything?

1. Don't miss the immunization schedule

Many parents still underestimate immunization. In fact, this method has been proven to prevent sick children due to various infectious diseases. Yes, even data from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that immunization has saved the lives of 2-3 billion children in the world each year from deaths from infectious diseases.

There are many types of immunizations that your child must do, from toddlers to school age. Each immunization has its own schedule and should not be missed if you want your child to be free of illness. So, make sure that you always bring your child to a health facility to be immunized, according to his schedule.

2. Familiarize your child to wash hands

Do you get children to wash their hands? Although it looks trivial, this is very important to prevent sick children. In fact, washing hands with soap and running water can prevent transmission of disease bacteria. Based on a survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that hand washing habits can protect 1 of 3 children from diarrhea and 1 in 5 children from the risk of airway infections.

Hand washing is a basic thing to prevent a child from getting sick, so don't forget to get used to doing this, especially before eating, after playing and from the bathroom.

Foods that Fall Not Five Minutes Is It Really Safe to Eat?

3. Don't eat food that has fallen to the floor even if it's only a matter of seconds

Many people who love to throw food that just fell. Although some say that falling food is full of bacteria, many people still eat it. In fact, do you know how many bacteria and germs that have been attached to the surface of food at that time?

One study found that food will be covered directly with bacteria even if the fall is only a few seconds. Well, this is what you have to tell your little one. Usually, children do not care about this and tend not to accept it if their favorite food falls. So, he will still take it and then eat it.

4. Stop nail-biting habits

Nails are a nest of disease if they are not cleaned, especially if their nails are long. Your child is very susceptible to infectious diseases because of his habit of biting his nails. In fact, there are many bacteria that attach to the nails and will be very easy to move when your little one bites his nails.

The bacteria that attach to the nail can cause your child to experience various infectious diseases such as diarrhea or other digestive disorders. So, to prevent a child from getting sick, you should warn them not to bite their nails, cut their nails if they are long, and always wash their hands.

5. Provide food that is processed clean and hygienic

The cleanliness of food and beverages that your child will consume is equally important. Make sure if all the food and drinks you provide are processed cleanly. Because the contamination of food due to bacteria is very likely to make your child get an infectious disease.

So, make sure that all the food he consumes is clean and away from bacterial contamination. Try to cook and process your own food instead of buying food from outside, so you can measure its cleanliness.

5 Easy Ways for Children to Avoid Germs
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