5 Effective Ways to Reduce Excessive Oil Production in the Face



Shiny and slippery facial skin can sometimes be caused by excessive facial oil production. In some people, the condition of excess oil on the face can be triggered by external factors, such as stress, how to treat the wrong facial skin, air pollution, to the use of hormone birth control pills. But for others, oily skin is a birth defect that cannot be altered much except reduced oil production. For those of you who belong to the last group, tno need to worry. There are various ways that can be done to reduce and prevent excess oil on the face. See the tips below.

Various ways to reduce oil production on the face

1. Don't wash your face too often

If you think that washing your face as much as possible can reduce oil on your face, you are mistaken. In fact, sebum oil on the skin is not always bad, you know. This happens because of the function of oil to protect and lubricate the skin. And if you continuously cleanse oil on your face, oil will produce even more to keep trying to protect your facial skin. It is recommended to wash your face no more than twice a day, huh!

2. Wash your face with warm water

Water that is too hot or too cold, in fact, is less suitable when used as a rinse for an oily face. Besides hot water can make skin blister, cold water can make an oily face become irritated. You can handle it by rinsing it with warm water. Warm water is useful to make the skin relax and maintain the softness of the skin, oil on the face can come out with a sufficient dose.

3. Keep using moisturizer

Generally, there are many assumptions that state that oily skin does not need to bother using moisturizers because it is afraid to cause the skin to be more shiny. Unfortunately, this is not true. Various types of skin, must use a moisturizer. For oily skin owners, you only need to be advised to use an oil-free moisturizer to reduce oil production on the face. It is recommended to use only oily parts of the face, such as the T area (forehead, nose and chin).

4. Do not use oil paper frequently

Today's oil paper, has become an important requirement for those of you whose faces are oily. But, there is something that must be considered. It is recommended not to wrap the oil too often on the face with oil paper frequently. Because this will only make the skin produce more oil. You simply use it by pressing gently on oily skin for just 15 to 20 seconds. This is the main purpose only to reduce the oil glow on the skin, not to remove oil on the face.

5. Improve food intake and lifestyle

Once you understand some skin care to reduce oil production on the face as described above, now is the time for you to treat it from the body. Yes, you still need to eat healthy foods, and avoid the body from stress. Why is that? This is because the production of oil can be triggered by hormonal reactions that are influenced by your diet and lifestyle.

Try to improve the diet such as reducing eating processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables. In addition, other lifestyle factors that can help reduce facial oil include exercise more often. Exercise can reduce stress levels, which also affect the health of facial skin.

5 Effective Ways to Reduce Excessive Oil Production in the Face
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