7 Ingredients In Anti-Aging Creams You Need To Know


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Signs of aging on the face begin to appear? Face cream products with this type of anti-aging will certainly be a prima donna for women, especially those who are at the age of three heads and above. The older the age, the more different facial care products are needed. Wrinkles, black spots, striped skin color, is a common problem for mature women. How can the ingredients of anti-aging creams prevent the aging process on the skin? First, consider the following brief description of anti-aging.

What is anti-aging?

Anti-aging is a process of preventing aging on the face. Medical science has long been researching ways to prevent and treat skin so it does not age quickly. The skin will age because of age and environmental factors that dominate the appearance of facial aging. One way to prevent it is to use anti-aging creams.

The effects of aging on the face can be slowed down even disguised. However, not all products sold on the market contain the best anti-aging ingredients. Now, let us know what the best ingredients are in the anti-aging cream ingredients.

What ingredients do you need in anti-aging cream?

1. AHA and BHA

The content of AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) in the ingredients of anti-aging creams, is a good ingredient for normal to dry skin types, while overcoming dryness due to sunlight. AHAs also help moisture and increase healthy collagen production, and soften uneven skin texture. While the content of BHA (beta hydroxy acid), good for normal oily skin.

2. Retinol

Retinol is a substance made from vitamin A. Simply put, the function of retinol is to get rid of dead skin cells on the face by exfoliating the skin. Retinol has also been shown to increase collagen production in the face which can tighten facial skin.

After using retinol, you should not expose direct sunlight without sunblock, because the sun will cause irritation to the face. If after using an anti-aging cream you are exposed to sunlight, retinol will not work properly. So usually anti-aging creams with retinol are recommended for use at night or as a night cream.

3. Niacinamide

Niacinamide or niacin is a vitamin B3 cell that is found in meat, milk fish, eggs, green vegetables, at the source of food. This component of vitamin B3 has been shown to increase ceramide and levels of free fatty acids in the skin. Its main function is to prevent skin dehydration due to sun exposure and stimulate air circulation in skin cell tissue. Niacinamide is also effective in reducing and preventing acne on the skin.

4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been shown to increase collagen production (especially on facial skin) and can reduce wrinkles on the face. Other uses, vitamin E will reduce the appearance of skin discoloration that becomes dark and uneven. Vitamin E which is often found in moisturizers is also effective in moisturizing the skin from the effects of drying in the sun.

5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a substanceg rich in benefits. Not only for health, on the face, of course. Although vitamin C is very good for the immune system, vitamin C also has a myriad of other benefits on the face. Among other things, producing collagen, brightening your skin so that it looks more radiant. Vitamin C is good for curing acne, because basically the nature of vitamin C is healing wounds.

6. Avobenzone

If you see the anti-aging composition on the back label of the product, it generally contains avobenzone ingredients. Avobenzon is one of the ingredients commonly found in sunblock. Avobenzone is a face cream that can block UVA rays. For maximum results, avobenzone is usually combined with benzophenone-3 or oxybenzone for protection against UVB rays.

7. Antioxidants

A good anti-aging cream should contain antioxidants with the aim of preventing wrinkles, repairing damage to skin tissue, and lifting radicals free from daily air pollution. The antioxidant content that is commonly found includes green tea and grape seed extract.

7 Ingredients In Anti-Aging Creams You Need To Know
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