7 Things That Secretly Make Your Skin Faster Old This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Everyone, especially women, must crave youthful skin, far from wrinkles, even though they are old. Various methods are used to achieve youthful skin, such as using anti-aging skin care products which are definitely not cheap. But, did you know that the things around us can accelerate skin aging? By knowing this, you can avoid it, so it can prevent skin aging.

What causes skin cells to age?

Many things can cause your skin cells to age. Some of these things you might not be able to prevent and some of you can still fix. One thing that is certain to happen and you cannot change is that the natural aging process is related to time. This naturally happens, when your age begins to age, wrinkles begin to appear, the skin becomes thinner and drier.

Your genes control most of these changes. This is an aging factor in the body or in medical terms better known as intrinsic aging. There are also extrinsic aging factors, namely from the environment and lifestyle you have. Of course, you can control this factor, so that it can slow down the effects of aging on your skin.

What can accelerate skin aging?

The following factors can accelerate the aging of your skin, especially if you don't control it properly.

1. Skin damage due to the sun

Yes, everyday your skin is exposed to the sun. Ultraviolet light in sunlight can cause minor damage to the skin called elastin. This damage to elastin can cause the skin to become tight, stretch, and lose its ability to be healthy again after stretching.

This sun damage due to skin may be seen as you age. To avoid damage to this skin, you can protect your skin from sun exposure.

2. Smoking

Cigarette smoke and chemicals contained in cigarettes can cause biochemical changes in the body that can accelerate aging. That way, it's no wonder that smokers usually experience wrinkled skin faster than people who don't smoke.

3. Poor food intake

The skin also needs a lot of nutrients to maintain its health. These nutrients are mainly derived from vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. Antioxidants in vegetables and fruit are very important to protect the skin from free radicals which can cause damage to skin cells. Conversely, eating foods that contain lots of sugar or carbohydrates can actually accelerate skin aging.

4. Air pollution

Pollution around you contains small particles that can enter the body and cause aging of the skin. These tiny particles can cause damage to skin cells, cause wrinkles, fine lines, and make the skin dry and dull.

5. Facial expressions

Repeated facial movements can also accelerate skin aging. When you move your facial muscles, curves will form under the surface of the skin. Because your skin will age with age and lose its elasticity, the skin will be difficult to return to its normal shape so that these curves will become permanent as fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Stress

When stressed, your body produces stress hormones (the hormone cortisol) which can affect skin cells. This stress hormone can cause premature aging and can also increase oil production on the skin which can cause acne. For that, you should control your stress. Even lack of sleep can make your body stressed. Adequate sleep is needed because stress hormones are at normal levels when you sleep, thus giving time for cells to improve and rejuvenate the skin.

7. Sleep position

Sleeping in the same position every night can also cause wrinkles on the face. Sleeping in a sideways position for a long time can cause fine lines around the cheeks and chin. Sleeping position on your back is a good sleeping position to help prevent wrinkles. In this position, you fight gravity so that your facial skin is not pulled down.

7 Things That Secretly Make Your Skin Faster Old This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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