A Brownish Face Cream, Still Useable?


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One of the skin care products that is much favored mainly by Eve is face cream. These creams usually function to moisturize, nourish, and rejuvenate facial skin. If you often use face creams, especially those that are rich in vitamin C, you may have experienced a cream that turns brownish.

Facial creams which are also often known as serum vitamin C are indeed susceptible to color changes, from white to slightly yellow to brown. You might be worried, perhaps it means that the face cream you bought is fake or has expired? To find out the answer, read on the following information.

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Why can face cream turn brown?

Face creams whose main content is vitamin C are susceptible to oxidation when exposed to air, light, and heat. Just like fruits that will change color if they have been peeled too long, as well as your face cream or vitamin C serum. This happens because exposure to air, light, or heat can cause oxidation to the cream. The oxidation process occurs because the acid content in vitamin C creams is very difficult to stabilize.

A 2003 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology revealed that the oxidation process causes discoloration in the cream. This is because there is a change in pH or acidity and changes in the properties of molecules in vitamin C. As a result of these changes, the content of vitamin C in your face cream becomes less effective.

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Can a tanned face cream still be used?

If the face cream turns brown, the properties and strength have diminished. The brighter the color of the face cream, the higher the vitamin C content. While the darker the color, the less the content. So, if the color is dark brown, you should not continue using the cream.

If you already use a face cream that has turned yellow or tanned, you don't need to worry. Face cream or serum vitamin C that has changed color will not damage your facial skin. Many believe that the oxidation process in vitamin C face creams risks releasing free radicals in skin cells. This belief departs from the theory that vitamin C will capture free radicals so that they are not absorbed by cells in the skin. So, if the effect of vitamin C on facial creams has diminished, free radicals that have been absorbed by vitamin C can escape and spread in skin cells.

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In fact, even on face creams or serum vitamin C whose colors are very brown, you can still feel the effects of vitamin C even though it is only about 50% of its original properties. So, vitamin C can still capture free radicals from pollution, food, and toxic substances that you encounter everyday. However, indeed the amount of free radicals captured is not as much as a new and white face cream. When vitamin C molecules die in skin cells, there will be no free radicals that are released and spread. Free radicals that have been absorbed before will also die along with vitamin C. There are no studies that prove the risk or danger of using a vitamin C cream or serum that has turned brown in addition to its reduced efficacy.

Tips for choosing and storing serum vitamin C

To prevent the oxidation process of your beloved vitamin C serum or cream, consider the following important tips.

  • Choose a face cream or serum vitamin C in a small package so that it is not stored too long and exposed to air and light
  • Keep creams and serums out of direct sunlight
  • After using your face cream, close the packaging tightly so that it is not contaminated with air or light. While applying to the face, you should also cover the face cream, do not leave it open
  • Store your face cream or vitamin C serum in a cool place

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A Brownish Face Cream, Still Useable?
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