Don't Be Missy, Here Are 3 Tips for Choosing Natural Products for Combination Skin



Combination skin requires a type of skin care that is slightly different from oily skin or dry skin. Instead of having to spend a lot of money on this type of skin care, find out various tips on choosing natural products for combination skin in this article. Anything?

Overview of combination skin

Combination skin, as the name suggests, has different problems in each area of ​​the face; oily and dry or normal and oily. Combined skin appears due to genetic, hormonal, or even weather changes.

Generally, people with combination skin have an oily T area (forehead, nose and chin). This makes the combination skin selector face look shiny in the T area. Excessive oil production if not handled properly will be mixed with a pile of dead skin cells which causes blockage of pores in the skin. When this blockage is infected by bacteria, the zits become prone to appear on your face.

That is why, it is important for you to do the right facial treatment for this one skin type. This is done so that the skin's moisture is maintained but does not add excess oil to your face.

Tips for choosing natural products for combination skin

No need for the latest and expensive skin care series. Simply arm yourself with the following natural care tips, and treating combination skin will no longer be a big problem. Although its effectiveness is not yet known, here are natural ingredients that you can try. Make sure you are not allergic to these products before you use them.

1. Natural cleanser

A good natural cleanser for this type of skin is pure honey. Make sure you use pure honey, not ready to use bottled honey that you often find in supermarkets or markets. Pure honey has a healing agent and helps keep dry areas of the skin moist.

Honey has a calming effect on the skin and is rich in minerals, vitamins (such as vitamin B and bition), and antioxidants. The antiseptic effect of honey will help fight acne on the oily skin area by reducing bacteria on the skin.

2. Natural toner

Toner is an important part of every facial treatment, especially for combination skin care. This is because toner can help balance the condition of your skin. Toner functions to remove cleaning remnants from the skin, removes, and distributes excess sebum from oily areas, while smoothly moisturizing dry areas.

You can use a mixture of cucumber and distilled water as toner after using a facial cleanser. A mixture of rose water or other hydrosol can also be a natural toner that is very good for combination skin.

Astringent toners like lemon juice may be a bit hard for combination skin. Astringent products will completely remove oil from the skin, so in the end, the skin will produce more oil to replace the loss.

3. Natural moisturizer

Use glycerin to naturally moisturize combination skin. Mix glycerin and clean water with a ratio of 1: 4 and use your fingertips to apply it to the skin. When the weather is cold, try adding a drop of essential oil, for example almond oil or lavender, to a dry area to keep the skin moist. In addition, you can also use two drops of olive oil to help moisturize your face in the dry part.

Experiment with different types of oil. However, you must be careful. Because some types of oil are harder than others, and each type of oil has a distinctive natural aroma. Glycerin does not provide effective protection against sunlight, but there are a number of natural products on the market that contain it sunscreen. These products usually contain zinc oxide or titanium oxide, not chemicals.

Better to consult with your herbalist or dermatologist before trying natural ingredients for your combination skin.

Don't Be Missy, Here Are 3 Tips for Choosing Natural Products for Combination Skin
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