What Actually Happens During Sex Therapy?


Medical Video: What Happens in a Sex Therapy Session? | Psychology of Sex

Sex therapy can help overcome various sexual problems, ranging from sexual dysfunction such as impotence and anorgasmia (difficult / unable to orgasm), low libido, to sex addiction.

Today many people still think negatively when they hear the word sex therapy. It is also not uncommon to link it to obscene activities or prostitution advertisements. In fact, what happens during therapy is not what you imagine. However, what happened during this therapy?

Sex therapy is like consulting a psychologist in general

The course of sex therapy is not much different from consulting a psychologist for psychological problems in general. When psychological counseling, the therapist or counselor will usually ask some light questions to get to know you more closely. Starting from what is happening in your life, what makes you go to therapy, what interferes with your life, and what goals you want to achieve.

The therapist can also ask about your sex history in detail, maybe including how often you have sex and what you feel is a problem in the affairs of your bed. The reason is, most sexual problems or disorders generally stem from psychological problems, such as stress, depression, and anxiety. People who experience sex problems due to certain medical conditions, accidents, or surgeries can also be consulted with a sex therapist.

Basically, sex therapy is the same as other types of therapy that require you to open yourself through vent sessions so that the therapist can detect the root of the problem to help you manage emotions and view the root of the problem, then he will help you find a solution. Whether it's by changing yourself, distancing yourself from the source of the problem, or learning new techniques to control emotions.

What needs to be understood, this therapy cannot cure or treat the limitations and physical problems that cause sexual dysfunction. In many cases, sex therapy can only help sexual problems rooted in mental or emotional problems.

The therapist might give you 'PR'

One session of sex therapy usually lasts for one hour every week, and is generally done for 5-20 sessions depending on the agreement.Every therapist, counselor, or psychologist must have different ways to deal with his client's problems.

During the session, the therapist will give you 'homework' to do at home. Some common tasks are given by therapists such as:

  • Read books related to reproductive organs and their functions, to sexuality
  • Learn to relax and relieve stress and disorders during sexual intercourse
  • Practice communication skills with your partner using the positive way you want
  • Non-sexual touch training techniques, namely exercises designed to help relieve pressure during sex with a partner. This exercise is usually done in stages, starting with touching or caressing the partner's body parts, except in the genital areas. The aim is to help both partners understand how to recognize and convey their sexual preferences rather than trying to reach orgasm.

You are allowed to bring a partner

In most cases, sexual problems stem from what is happening around you, not from certain diseases or medical conditions. Whether it's daily stress to conflict or communication problems with a partner that ultimately lowers passion. Therefore, the therapist may advise you to bring a partnerduring the next counseling session.

Speak honestly with the therapist about what happened between you and your partner. For example, sex therapy may be useful to help cure erectile dysfunction caused by stress due to work, financial problems, relationship conflicts, and poor communication.The therapist will certainly be happy to hear complaints and help provide solutions to your problems.

But you can also solve your personal problems first with counseling before bringing your partner.

You will not be asked to undress

One thing is certain, there is no counseling that tells patients to undress in the therapist's office. Moreover, asked to show genitals or do any sex activities / positions.

Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD, a sex educator and professor of sexuality at American University, was quoted from the Everyday Health website, saying that this should not happen. If you are asked to do so, immediately leave the place and seek legal assistance.

What Actually Happens During Sex Therapy?
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