Eliminate Acne Tricks in One Night ala Kendall Jenner


Medical Video: Kendall Jenner Shares Her Morning Beauty Routine | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Who would have thought that a beautiful model like Kendall Jenner had dealt with acne?

Recently, Kendall dared to reveal the problem of puberty which he experienced during his teens on his personal website www.kendallj.com. He uploaded a blog video (vlog) containing curhatan childhood, where the acne he experienced at that time was so severe that it damaged his confidence. In the vlog, he also invited his specialist, Christie Kidd, who revealed Kendall's secrets to ward off zits instantly.

The method is easy. Simply compress the area of ​​acne with a soft cloth dipped in warm water.

Warm liquids and vapors effectively stimulate zits to mature more quickly and break. After the pimples break, immediately apply the acne medicine containing benzoyl peroxide and antibacterial cream, to relieve swelling.

For daily care, the younger sister of Kim Kardashian revealed a simple ritual she routinely performed on the advice of doctor Kidd.

1. Wash your face morning and night, don't forget to wash your hands

Kidd explained that the use of facial cleansing products that contain abrasive (hard) properties can actually erode the surface of the skin, making it vulnerable to bacteria that cause acne. Avoid using facial scrub soap, rough towels, automatic face wash brushes, anything that is made from rough. Choose foam facial cleansing soap, or milk cleanser, which is smooth for the skin.

If you are one of the many people who like to hold their faces unconsciously, diligently wash their hands. As much as possible, do any activities that concern yourself so that the desire to hold face can be avoided.

2. Use sunblock

It is important to always use sunblock every day before leaving the house. If your skin type is prone to acne, choose a sunscreen product that has an acne medication (anti-acne).

3. Use night serum

For his personal care, Kendall uses a serum made specifically by doctor Kidd to clear his pimples. However, you can do the same thing. Choose skin serum products on the market that provide anti-acne formulations and fade acne blemishes. Alternatively, you can consult your dermatologist to get skin care products that are suitable for your skin type.

4. Finally, don't squeeze pimples

Kendall revealed that this advice was often obtained from his eldest brothers. This simple advice that is often overlooked turns out to be true too, you know!

When you squeeze pimples, it means you tear your skin to force it to come out. When you press the area with acne, you are actually transferring dirt and bacteria from your fingers to your face and to pimples, thus making it an infection. This is where the initial acne scars occur that are difficult to remove again.

Eliminate Acne Tricks in One Night ala Kendall Jenner
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