Know the Signs of 5 Skin Types: Which One Are You?


Medical Video: How To Know Your Skin Type - Types of Skin - Glamrs

Recognizing skin types is important for choosing the right skin care method. However, it may be difficult to know exactly what your skin type is. This article provides basic information about skin types and you can use them as a basis for determining your skin type.

A person's skin type can change

The skin type is not constant and can change. The distribution of one's skin type depends on:

  • The amount of water contained in the skin or how much water it has
  • The amount of oil in the skin or how oily your skin is
  • Sensitivity level or how sensitive the skin is

What is your skin type?

Based on the three factors above, human skin is generally divided into 5 types which include:

1. Dry skin

overcome dry facial skin

Dry skin tends to be rough, scaly, and itchy. Skin pores and lines are clearly visible. You can see the erosion of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. The skin can become more rough and scaly when the air is dry and when you clean it with strong soap.

You are more prone to having dry skin as an adult because dryness of the skin is part of the aging process. Taking a hot bath for too long, the effects of drugs, ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, or family history can contribute to dry skin.

Here are some tips for treating dry skin that you can try at home:

  • Wash skin with warm water and a mild cleanser once a day. There are several types of cleansers designed for dry skin.
  • Do not rub the skin when bathing or drying the face.
  • Do not take long showers with hot water. Natural skin oil can disappear faster.
  • Apply moisturizer regularly to keep the skin hydrated.
  • Use a device to protect the skin if you have to work with ingredients that make dry skin such as detergents.

2. Oily skin

oil on the face

This skin looks shiny, especially when you see it under light. You can also see the oil. There are open pores, zits and blackheads on the skin.

Oily skin can be experienced in hot weather, or during puberty. Stress and the effects of antibiotic drugs can also make the skin oily.

If you have oily skin, you should:

  • Wash the skin with warm water and a mild cleanser twice a day. Don't wash it excessively because natural oils that protect the skin can be lifted. Do not rub while cleaning. There are cleansers specifically for oily skin that you can try.
  • If you have acne, do not poke or break it. This can cause a big wound.

3. Normal skin

skin care

Normal skin color is generally even; the texture is soft and smooth. There are no obvious, deformed, red spots, blackheads, pimples, kukul, or other skin problems that are visible. The surface of the skin is not too oily or dry because the water and oil are balanced, and the blood supply is good.

This is the most perfect skin type that does not require too much skin care. You only have to use cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen.

4. Combination skin

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This skin is oily on the chin, forehead, nose; and dry in other parts. There are large pores and blackheads. The skin looks shiny in the oily part. Combination skin can result from genetic factors or weather changes.

5. Sensitive skin

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Sensitive skin can be caused by several things. It is important to find out the cause so that you can protect the skin from irritation. Signs of sensitive skin include:

  • Redness on the skin
  • The feeling of burning skin
  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin

Here are some common conditions that cause sensitive skin:

  • Acne. Acne is a common skin condition. Acne appears when the pores are blocked by dead skin cells, dirt, and excess oil.
  • Rosacea. Symptoms of this condition include damaged blood vessels, kukul.
  • Contact dermatitis. Your skin can be irritated by soap, detergent or moisturizer.

Not everyone has the same skin type. Everyone has a specific condition. It will be easier and more effective to have skin care products if you know your skin type and what it needs.

Know the Signs of 5 Skin Types: Which One Are You?
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