This is the reason why women look more beautiful after having sex


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He said, many women are more beautiful after having sex because of the pleasure when doing so. Is it really like that? Many women pour a lot of money or even bother concocting natural ingredients to make beautiful faces and skin. Even though this can be obtained when women have sex, you know. Curious? What things can be obtained besides adding beauty after having sex? See the explanation below.

The cause of women becomes more beautiful after having sex

A study in Scotland has proven that having sex can stimulate good hormones in the body that make the skin and face healthier. Women who have sex 3 times a week have an average appearance 3-4 years younger than their actual age. Interesting isn't it, the benefits and benefits of having sex for women?

1. Having sex makes your face shine

In addition to getting more beautiful after having sex, women's skin will also be smoother and smoother. The hormone estrogen produced during intercourse will contribute to increasing collagen in the skin. So that the face will look bright, the skin is also firm and soft.

2. Orgasm is the most important antidepressant

When you orgasm, you will release serotonin and DHEA at the peak of pleasure. Well, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates your mood and is in charge of making you feel happier and more hopeful. While DHEA substances have an increased antidepressant and immune effect.

3. Sex reduces stress

Stress is one of the reasons why a woman's face becomes older, wrinkled, and even dull. Then, when having sex, a woman's body releases the hormone oxytocin when she orgasms. Oxytocin is useful in removing cortisol (the main stress hormone) in the body. It is important for women who live and live in cities, because usually they will have high cortisol levels. With regular sex, women will more easily reduce the symptoms of stress on him.

4. Having sex can make your stomach more flat and beautiful

Not only is it more beautiful after having sex, but you can also get a beautiful flat stomach. The hormone cortisol will make fat accumulate at one specific point, the stomach. Well, the hormone oxytocin that comes out during sex, will make cortisol in the body decrease. You can also consistently maintain and lose your weight just by having sex, which certainly also makes you more beautiful.

5. Beauty will radiate with confidence

A study has shown, that having sex with meditation turns out to be the same effect for the brain. When having sex, you will find harmony with yourself with the world around you. In addition, your mind will also be more positive. It is not uncommon if the benefits of confidence will be obtained after having sex. You can also feel more calm, creative and more patient, which will look beautiful in the eyes of the world.

6. Make hair more beautiful

In addition to the skin, it turns out your hair is also more beautiful after having sex. Add beauty is meant, the hair will look stronger and moist. When making love, the hair follicle will receive a flow of blood circulation to the head. This is one of the natural ways to get the good and nutritional health of women's hair. The hormones released by the body during sex will also make your beautiful nails stronger

This is the reason why women look more beautiful after having sex
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