8 Pregnant Characteristics Besides Late Menstruation


Medical Video: 8 Reasons Your Period Is Late

For those of you who are already paired then experience late menstruation, then what comes to mind is pregnancy. Yes, late menstruation is one of the signs of pregnancy in women. Actually, what are the signs of pregnancy just after you are late for menstruation? The following are common pregnancy signs.

Signs of the first pregnancy: the breasts feel tight and the nipples are red

One of the signs of pregnancy that often occurs in women who experience young pregnancy is a change in their breasts. The breasts will feel tighter even in some cases pain and discomfort arise. In addition, the nipples will also turn red or the area around the nipples will turn blacker. This is caused by changes in the amount of the hormone progesterone and estrogen that occurs in pregnant women.

Feel nauseous and experience other digestive problems

Feelings of nausea and want to vomit in women who are late menstruation is the earliest symptom that will emerge. Almost all young pregnant women will experience these symptoms, even in some studies it is mentioned that frequent nausea and vomiting experienced by pregnant women will reduce the risk of miscarriage at early pregnancy. It is estimated that as many as 80% of young pregnant women will experience nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) The early symptoms of pregnancy can also be flatulence, constipation, and sensitivity to increased odor or aroma.


If you notice that you are late in your period and then feel your stomach is often bloated, this indicates that you may be pregnant. Yes, one of the signs of pregnancy in the early stages is discomfort in the stomach due to too much gas. Even though you don't consume gas-containing foods, symptoms of flatulence can occur due to changes in body hormones.

Mood changes easily and becomes emotional

Same as symptoms premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - a condition that often appears just before the menstrual period arrives, in the beginning of pregnancy you will feel very emotional. The mood is very volatile and becomes more sensitive to everything.

If you realize that you are more emotional than before, then you might be pregnant. this condition is again caused by changes in estrogen and progesterone hormones that occur. In addition, changes in body function and metabolism can also affect your emotions indirectly.

Changes to food tastes

Believe it or not, a woman who is pregnant can suddenly like foods that she doesn't like before and avoid her favorite foods. Changes in appetite, taste, and aroma often occur in women who are pregnant. This condition we usually refer to as 'cravings'.

Blood out of the vagina

Although not all young pregnant women will experience this, but vaginal discharge is quite common. Blood spots appear as a result of the process of planting fertilized eggs by sperm in the womb, also called implantation bleeding. Or sometimes, in some cases these blood spots indicate that there are still remnants of bleeding due to menstruation that you have experienced before.

Sex can also cause blood spots to appear. If blood spots continue to come out, then you should see a doctor.

Feel tired

If you feel tired lately, even though you don't do heavy physical activity, pregnancy can be the reason. The hormone progesterone causes this symptom to occur. in addition, the emergence of other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and moods that often change can cause fatigue in the body. Not only that, changes in body function can also make the body's energy more drained.

Frequent urination

Pregnancy signs that often occur in the early days are frequent urination. Maybe you will easily realize it when these symptoms come. In early pregnancy, your uterus will naturally grow and grow large. This then makes the bladder depressed so you will be more often aroused to urinate even though the bladder is not full.

Symptoms of frequent urination are due to high hormones human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hCG hormone also causes an increase in blood flow to the kidneys which increases urine production.

8 Pregnant Characteristics Besides Late Menstruation
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