Pregnancy Development on Week 8


Medical Video: 8 Weeks Pregnant: What's Happening in Week 8 of Your Pregnancy?

Embryo growth

How is the development of the fetus 8 weeks of my pregnancy?

In the development of the fetus 8 weeks of your pregnancy, your baby is as big as red beans and about 2.7 cm long. Babies keep moving and experiencing development in your body.

Seeing the baby's little fingers and toes is one of our joys on the first day of the baby's birth. This week, your baby's hands and feet are just starting to form. However, your baby is only able to bend his elbows and wrists. The baby's eyes will be clearer because the retina has begun to develop pigments. In addition, the intestine continues to grow and does not have enough storage space in the stomach so that the baby's intestines will protrude outside the umbilical cord until the 12th week.

In the development of the fetus at the age of 8 weeks, the baby's genitals begin to form. However, this is not enough to know whether your child will be a boy or a girl.

Changes in the Body

What is the change in the body of the mother at 8 weeks?

At this stage of the development of the fetus 8 weeks, you can feel the more tight bra you wear so you will need a larger bra size. Yes, increasing hormone levels causes your breasts to enlarge in preparation for milk production.

So, don't be surprised if your chest suddenly enlarges, especially if this is your first pregnancy. No need to worry, these are very normal signs in pregnancy. All you need is to buy a bra with a larger size.

Maintain a pregnancy that lasts 8 weeks

Morning sickness can make many mothers tired. Check out the following tips to reduce attacks morning sicknessduring pregnancy:

  • Pay attention to your food intake. Choose foods that are high in carbohydrates, low in fat, and easy to digest. Avoid greasy, fatty and spicy foods. Also, avoid various foods that might trigger nausea, for example foods that have a sharp smell like durian.
  • Expand snacking. It's better to eat a little but often compared to having to eat full portions three times a day. Because, this will actually cause your stomach to empty at some time and make your nausea worse. To overcome nausea, you can also eat low-sugar candy, fruit, or popcorn.
  • Drink lots of fluids. Drink water or ginger tea. Pregnancy can increase urine production which causes you to urinate more and be more prone to dehydration. So, make sure you get enough water.
  • Breathe in the fresh air. If the weather is good, open the window in your home or office, and take a walk in the morning because fresh air can prevent you from nausea.
  • Be careful about taking vitamins. If you feel nauseous after taking vitamins, take vitamins with snacks or drinks. You can also prevent nausea by chewing gum or sucking gum immediately after taking vitamins.
  • Try acupuncture or acupressure. Although its effectiveness has not been tested, some women claim to feel better after doing this therapy. Acupressure stimulates several points in the body with pressure. You can also buy acupressure bracelets at several pharmacies without the need for a doctor's prescription. In acupuncture, thin needles will be inserted into your body. Many women feel helped by this method, but you have to do it with a certified acupuncturist.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 8?

Talk to your doctor about concerns that you might have regarding the development of an 8-week fetus. You might be wondering about addictive substances in certain foods or how much caffeine is safe for consumption. Always ask and ask your doctor for advice on these matters.

If you experience signs and symptoms that are felt to be unnatural, immediately consult a doctor.

Tests that may be needed at gestational age 8 Sunday

The appearance of blood spots in underwear or toilet tissue after urination, or bleeding, is relatively common in early pregnancy. Even a quarter of pregnant women experience this phenomenon.

This may occur during pregnancy, but sometimes it can be the first sign of a miscarriage. If you experience spotting or bleeding, contact your doctor for further advice and examination.

Health & Safety

What do I need to know to maintain health and safety during pregnancy?

Pregnancy does not mean that it is your reason not to do physical activities including exercise at all. During pregnancy, you must stay active. It's just that you have to limit exercise that is too heavy and high risk.

Ask your doctor what physical activity and exercise is ideal for the condition of your pregnancy.

So next week what kind of fetus will it grow?

Pregnancy Development on Week 8
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