6 Ways to Use Honey to Treat Acne


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Research has proven that honey has many health benefits. One of the famous benefits is that it helps prevent acne. This is because honey contains various substances that have the ability to heal wounds quickly so they can treat acne naturally. So, how do you use honey for acne? See the tips below.

How does honey work to treat acne?

Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties thanks to the content of hydrogen peroxide in it. Honey also has an anti-inflammatory effect to reduce redness in zits and the ability to disguise scars.

Not until that, honey actually has the ability to accelerate the recovery of blood vessels that often occur when wounded, help accelerate the growth of damaged skin layers, increase collagen which is very good to help repair skin, and prevent scars and keloids.

Well, because of these unique abilities, honey is often used as a therapy to help treat acne.

How to use honey for acne

Honey can be applied in various ways to treat zits. Here are some ways to use honey for zits that you can try at home. Although it is not yet known whether it is effective or not, you can still try it as long as you do not have allergies to the ingredients below.

Method 1: Pure honey

  • Take enough pure honey.
  • Apply on your face using fingers or cotton like a mask.
  • Leave for 30 minutes and clean with warm water. You can also leave it overnight by covering it using a bandage during sleep.
  • Repeat the same process regularly so that the skin is clean and prevents acne.

Method 2: Honey and lemon

  • Clean your face gently and dry it by patting your face using a towel.
  • Squeeze 1 lemon.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of honey to the lemon juice and mix until everything is evenly mixed.
  • Apply to face and leave for about 20-25 minutes.
  • Clean with warm water and allow to dry for several minutes.
  • Apply moisturizer and do this process twice a week to get rid of zits.
  • Follow all of these processes for at least a month regularly to prevent acne as a whole.

Method 3: Honey and sugar scrub

  • Mix enough sugar and brown sugar (brown sugar is not as hard as other exfoliating agents and quickly melts every time you rub it).
  • After that apply evenly on the face.
  • Gently rub on the face and other parts infected with zits for several minutes in a circular motion.
  • Finally, clean with warm water and repeat the same process to prevent zits and other symptoms.

Method 4: Honey and turmeric

  • Take 1 tablespoon of honey and mix it with one eighth of a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic that helps kill bacteria and relieve pain and redness.
  • Mix and leave for a few minutes.
  • Apply to the face and other parts of the skin infected with acne and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  • Clean with warm water and dry it by patting using a towel.
  • Apply moisturizer according to your skin type to soften, and repeat the process regularly to cure acne.

Method 5: Face mask with honey and aspirin

  • Take 3-5 aspirin pills. Aspirin acts as an anti-inflammatory and reduces redness and pain. This drug also contains salicylic acid which cleanses the pores and exfoliates the skin.
  • Take a small bowl and crush the aspirin by adding enough water to it.
  • In these ingredients, add a spoonful of pure or organic honey, and mix it.
  • Apply to the face and other parts of the skin infected with acne.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water.
  • Repeat the same process regularly to help get rid of zits and symptoms
  • You can also apply this mixture to the point of the pimple and leave it overnight, then clean it in the morning.

Method 6: Mask honey and cinnamon

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to mix well and form a paste.
  • Apply to face as a mask and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Clean with water and repeat the process regularly.

Try all of the above methods according to the availability of safe and easy-to-find ingredients. Don't forget, always test the effect on the skin on your hand before starting on the face, especially for those of you who are trying to use honey for acne for the first time.

6 Ways to Use Honey to Treat Acne
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