7 Things You Must Consider Before Having Children


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Having a baby is certainly a very pleasant thing. But never think that having children is just as fun as sex. When you have children, you and your partner must be prepared with greater responsibility. Having children is certainly not just about nutrition or treatment. Don't forget that you are also responsible for educating it. The following are things that must be considered before having children.

What are the things that must be considered before having children?

1. Have you discussed the future?

Careful planning for the future of the child is very necessary. Not only fantasizing how funny your child will be, but discuss some things with your partner. How you will take care of your child, what hobbies will be reduced to take care of the child, where he will sleep later, and what homework needs to be shared so as not to burden the mother.

2. What kind of parent do you want to be?

Do you like the kind of parents who are hard to achieve success? Or do you want to be a relaxed parent? This is something that must be considered before having children. Discuss what role you want to choose when you are a parent, and make several agreements with your partner.

3. How do you complete a fight?

Every couple has their own way when you both have different opinions. Either by shouting and slamming the door, or arguing to fatigue, and ending the fight easily. What is clear is that arguments are normal in a household. But you have to start reducing emotions when you have children, either by suppressing your own ego or trying to be more patient when a fight starts to emerge.

4. Do you and your partner joke often?

If yes, that's good for you. Because when you have to change diapers at three in the morning accompanied by a long cry that makes you wake up all night, all you can do is laugh to make the work of taking care of your child lighter.

5. Is it financially ready?

This is something that must be considered before having children. Everyone's mental readiness to have children is different, but you must be sure when talking about finance. Raising your child needs more than expected, you should make a very detailed list of financial plans for the baby. From health, education to planning a family vacation that you will need for fun.

6. Do you really want a child?

Ask this question to you and your partner from the deepest conscience. Not because of parents' demands or trends in your friendship environment. This decision is not only a momentary decision that you can cancel the next day, but a lifetime decision about a soul that will depend on you.

7. Is it ready for a drastic change in sex life?

Biologically in a certain period of time, sex will decrease when you have a baby. This is something that must be considered before having a child. This fact you must not want to face, and ensure that you and your partner are willing to accept these consequences. But do not worry, what you are doing is paid off with a fragrant and a hug from the baby.

7 Things You Must Consider Before Having Children
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