Is This Natural Aging or Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease? This distinguishes it


Medical Video: Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease: What Families and Patients Need to Know | UCLAMDCHAT Webinars

As we get older, brain function will decrease naturally. This is why older people can become senile or forget. Unfortunately, the symptoms of natural aging and Alzheimer's disease are difficult to distinguish. Because of this, many people think the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease appear as symptoms of aging. Even though Alzheimer's disease must be handled appropriately. Come on, learn what are the differences in natural aging and Alzheimer's disease below.

Get to know Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease attacks the brain's cognitive system. People with this disease experience a decrease in language skills, remembering, and thinking. The main symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are easy to forget. However, that does not mean that all people who are easy to forget are people with Alzheimer's disease.

Distinguish natural aging and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

If you or the person closest to you has the following signs, immediately consult a neurologist.

1. Memory loss

Forgetting information that has just been heard is one feature of Alzheimer's. You also might not remember at all making an appointment with someone or don't remember who your neighbor is.

Natural aging: You remember the face and the neighbor figure, just forget the name. You may also forget there is an appointment, but after being reminded, realize that you have made an appointment.

2. Forgot how to do easy activities

When you cook, you suddenly forget how to cook spinach. You also don't remember how to take money at an ATM or pay bills.

Natural aging: Know how to pay bills, but forget to pay every due date. Or you remember how to cook spinach, but forgot to buy one of the ingredients.

3. Understanding confusing time and place

The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease that you may experience are suddenly forgetting where you are. You don't remember how you got there and who you went with. You could also not know what year it was. You may wake up early and get ready to go to the office, even though you have retired for a long time.

Natural aging: Forgot street name or forget what day it is.

4. Difficulty recognizing someone

People who have Alzheimer's may not realize that the reflection in the mirror is themselves. If it's severe enough, you might have trouble recognizing even the closest ones, such as your grandchild or friend.

Natural aging: Vision decreases, for example, becomes opaque or narrower. Usually these visual disorders are related to cataracts.

5. Slurred

In the middle of the conversation, you suddenly confused what to discuss. You may also lose your words often, so you finally wander.

Natural aging: Forgot the right term for certain things. For example, the road separator you call a "barrier". You can also tell something to the same person over and over again.

6. Put the item in an inappropriate place

Unconsciously you put the house key in the bathroom or put the cellphone in the refrigerator. However, you cannot remember where the items were placed earlier.

Natural aging: Continually losing glasses or television remote, but can be found easily after remembering the last time the item was used.

7. Negligent and reckless

You may be more negligent or reckless in acting. For example, buying goods at a price that is far more expensive than usual or going outside wearing a nightgown. You can also be negligent in taking care of yourself, such as forgetting to take medication and forget to brush your teeth.

Natural aging: Occasionally making a wrong decision, for example in terms of work.

8. Withdraw from the social environment

If you were happy to gather with family, friends and neighbors, now you might prefer to be alone. You are not interested in going to family events and meeting lots of people.

Natural aging: Feel tired after gathering with family or doing activities.

9. Change of mood

One symptom of Alzheimer's disease is a change in attitude or mood. You become more somber, sad, and even more prone to depression. Usually you are also easily suspicious, anxious, and stressed.

Natural aging: Easy to get irritated, especially about physical or cognitive abilities. Your feelings may also be more sensitive than before.

Is This Natural Aging or Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease? This distinguishes it
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