Are There Characteristics Of Infertile Women That Are Seen Physically?


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Infertility can only be known after the couple has tried to have children for 12 months without success. Both partners, both men and women, have the same risk of being a factor in infertility. However, women are usually more blamed if a husband and wife do not have children.

In fact, not infrequently people try to see the characteristics of a woman who is infertile physically (which is seen in plain view of a person's body). Can infertility be seen easily from his body? Here is a complete explanation from the medical side.

What are the characteristics of infertile women?

It is important to know, if there are no characteristics of infertile women that can be seen physically. To find out whether or not someone is fertile, you can do a series of tests conducted by a doctor in the hospital.

However, there are indeed some symptoms that you can feel to find out if there are problems in your body that are related to infertility. Look carefully at the features below.

1. Irregular menstrual cycles

One characteristic of infertile women can be seen from the irregular menstrual cycle. Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle ranges from 28 days to 35 days. However, every woman has a different cycle and time, provided the time is consistent, your menstruation can be considered normal.

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, it can be caused by hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances can cause a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a condition in which small follicles in the ovary do not develop into mature follicles to release eggs. This immature follicle will make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

2. When menstruation hurts it is unbearable

Menstruation accompanied by severe pain can also be one of the characteristics of infertile women. Although this is not always a sign of infertility, in some cases, this can be caused by a condition of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition that is often associated with infertility.

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when there is tissue (endometrium) that grows outside your uterus. When this tissue grows outside your uterus, it is usually found in the pelvis or abdomen. This tissue can prevent sperm from swimming to reach the egg, so that it can complicate the fertilization process.

3. Weight rises or falls suddenly

If your body weight drops or rises suddenly suddenly for no apparent reason, this can cause fertility problems. Because, for some women, unexpected weight gain can be caused by PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Many women who have PCOS conditions also have high levels of insulin.

Not infrequently also, PCOS will cause the body to experience hormonal imbalances, where your weight can rise or fall suddenly.

The only way to find out if you are infertile is to see a doctor

To find out whether you are fertile or not, you should consult and do a doctor's examination. It is likely that the doctor will ask for a medical history and do some tests like the following.

Infertility test

To deal with and find out if there are problems with your fertility, your doctor may take several tests. Among other things, a blood test to check hormone levels and do an endometrial biopsy to examine the lining of your uterus.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

One way to find out about infertility in women can be to use a hysterosalpingograph procedure. The procedure uses an ultrasound (X-ray) or X-ray device in your reproductive organs. Later, the doctor will inject dye or saline into the part of your cervix, which is through your fallopian tubes to determine whether your fallopian tubes are patent or not.


In the process laparoscopythe doctor will use a small tube with a camera inserted into the stomach to see the outside of the uterus, ovary, and fallopian tubes. Other functions, also to find out you for the fallopian tube blockage or abnormal growth in the uterus.

Are There Characteristics Of Infertile Women That Are Seen Physically?
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