Father's Age Affects Child's Social Development Later


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There have been many studies that prove that the father's age when his wife is pregnant also determines the development and health of his future baby. However, the latest research in 2017 shows that it turns out that the age of a father has a strong influence on a child's social development when he grows up later. How can these two things be related to each other and how big is their influence? Directly refer to the following full review, yes.

Relationship between father's age and baby's health

During this time, health workers focused more on the influence of age and maternal health conditions on the development of the baby. In fact, there is a lot of evidence that the age of the father also has a certain impact on the development and health of the baby.

Babies born to fathers over the age of forty are more at risk of developing a disorder or disability. According to various studies, the disorder can occur because as you get older, a person's sperm quality will change. This is caused by genetic mutations that occur in the male body as they age.

Thus, babies born to middle-aged or advanced fathers are more susceptible to experiencing the following things.

  • Miscarriage
  • Autism
  • Schizophrenia
  • Babies born with disabilities

Relationship between father's age and children's social development

In addition to physical disorders, father's age also seems to determine a child's social development. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACP), children born to fathers aged over 51 years tend to show good social behavior when they are children.

However, when entering adolescence, children tend to be more difficult to adjust to various social situations. In fact, the children observed in this study did not have autism or schizophrenia.

Furthermore, this study also revealed that the more adults grew, the challenges experienced by children in socializing seemed even more real. This shows that there are social development differences between children born to fathers aged 25-50 years with children born to fathers aged 51 years and over.

This research has considered other factors such as the level of education, ethnicity, race, and age of the mother when conception occurs. However, the results still show that father's age can influence children's social development.

Parenting and genetic factors play an important role

Until now research on the age of the father and his influence on the social development of children is still limited. Experts need more data before concluding how exactly the age of the father has such an impact.

So far the strongest suspicion from researchers is that the declining quality of sperm can have an impact on a child's brain and mental health. This is why children from middle-aged fathers are more prone to autism and schizophrenia.

However, according to experts the genetic mutation factor from father's sperm is not the only cause of the child's social development being hampered. Because the pattern of child care also plays an important role in the formation of one's character.

Explained by a mental health expert from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in the United States, Avraham Reichenberg, environment and parenting are able to activate or deactivate certain genes in children.

Not that having children over the age of 40 is a danger

Doctors and health experts warn that the results of this study should not be considered as a ban on having middle-aged children. Moreover the impact observed in this study is also not a fixed price. Every child is different and has their own challenges.

However, it never hurts to consult with an obstetrician before you and your partner decide to have children over the age of 35-40 years.

Father's Age Affects Child's Social Development Later
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