7 Sleep Problems That Secretly Ruin Relationship


Medical Video: 7 Ways to Sleep Better from a Scientist with Insomnia

Sleeping snoring or other sleep problems can sometimes make sharing stories after work home easier than when you have to share a bed with your partner at night. Michael Breus, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist from The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, revealed to Women Health that sleep disorders are one of the causes of unconscious domestic conflict. Indeed, what are the sleep problems that can endanger romance and how to overcome them? Psstt ... Read the following review, huh!

Sleep deprivation ignites emotions

In fact, people who lack sleep are proven to be more easily emotional. Sleep deprivation causes foggy thoughts that make it difficult for you to concentrate, focus, and make decisions. That's why uncontrolled emotions also often make a person act without thinking to do something bad without intending to do it.

This has been proven by a team of researchers from the University of California who observed 80 harmonious married couples. They report that people who lack sleep at night tend not to respect their partners the next day. If left uninterrupted, over time this will lead to conflicts that damage the harmony of the household slowly.

Various sleep problems that can interfere with romance

The following are some sleep problems that can interfere with your love affair and your partner.

1. Sleep time is different

benefits of sleep

Having the same sleep pattern with a partner, both when you want to sleep and wake up, is not easy. You may feel disturbed by the sound of the partner's alarm, especially if he immediately turns on the room lights and gets ready to move. This simple thing can actually ruin your mood when welcoming in the morning.

So, talk with your partner to try to have the same time to sleep and wake up. But if not possible, make an agreement to immediately turn off the alarm so as not to disturb the comfort of sleeping with each other.

2. Sleep snoring

couples sleep snoring

Not a few people complain that they cannot sleep because they wake up hearing the sound of their partner's snoring at night. Maybe your partner does not realize if during this time he slept snoring, even though you have been very disturbed by this one sleep problem.

Calm down, there are several ways you can do to help overcome the habit of couples who are 'hobby' sleeping snoring. The trick is to change the sleeping position of the couple to be sideways, use a pillow that is rather high, to use help white noise to create a more comfortable sleeping atmosphere.

3. Insomnia

overcome insomnia

Having trouble sleeping at night might be a common thing when you are hit by severe stress due to work problems. However, if this one sleep problem occurs at least three times a week, then you may experience insomnia.

When a person experiences a sleep disorder, his emotional condition will also be disturbed. Because, people who lack sleep become more irritable and tend to withdraw from people. Not only has an impact on oneself, it can also make a partner's mood become chaotic.

If your partner has insomnia, try to get him to exercise regularly. Because, a study shows that people who rarely exercise are more prone to insomnia. In addition, invite your partner to sleep early to reduce insomnia.

If you have done everything but are still unsuccessful, ask for help from a counselor or therapist to help your partner get out of trouble sleeping.

4. Restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome or restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a nervous disorder that makes a person move his legs uncontrollably. This condition usually worsens during the afternoon and evening.

When it occurs at night, this disease will usually interfere with sleep sufferers and their partners. Because, as many as 80 percent of people with RLS often accidentally kick people who sleep next to it. So do not be surprised if the comfort of sleeping couples become threatened.

If your partner has RLS, immediately see a doctor to get medical help. Your doctor may prescribe certain medications that can increase dopamine levels to help relieve the kicking reflex during sleep. Be sure to always adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as reducing caffeine and smoking, regular exercise, and massage in the legs to reduce symptoms of RLS.

5. Sleep apnea

obstructive sleep apnea snoring

Not just snoring or snoring, obstructive sleep apnea sufferers often suddenly wake up while sleeping because they stop breathing. Sleep apnea affects people, and often their partners don't get enough rest.

Sleep apnea can increase the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and obesity. In fact, people who experience sleep apnea can also experience erectile dysfunction.

But don't worry first. Based on a study of 80 men with erectile dysfunction and sleep apnea, treatment with CPAP for at least three months can help reduce the level of erectile dysfunction in men and improve their sleep quality.

6. Different room temperature settings

room arrangement

Although trivial, the debate about the ideal bedroom temperature can be a thorn in your blanket and partner. You may be more comfortable with warm room temperature, while your partner prefers cold temperatures to sleep well. Then maybe not infrequently you and the him often fight remote AIR CONDITIONING.

This must be well compromised. You certainly don't want to spend every night feeling shivering, so does your partner who doesn't want to keep sweating at night because of heat.

The best solution to overcome this is to adjust the room temperature together. Research reveals that the best room temperature for sleep is 18-22 degrees Celsius. This temperature range is cool because it is right in the middle between warm and cold.

If your partner still feels cold with this temperature, provide a thicker blanket for him or ask him to use thick socks during sleep to keep his feet warm. If you feel hot, use a thin blanket and consider using a soft nightgown and absorb sweat. Thus, you and your partner can sleep well without having to disturb each other.

7. Bedtime habits

watching TV

Everyone certainly has different habits before bed. Some choose to watch TV until they fall asleep, turn on or turn off room lights, or sleep with pets.

Be careful, different bedtime habits can trigger conflicts with each other. For example, TV sound might help your partner sleep faster, while you need silence to be able to sleep well.

Relax, every sleep problem has its own solution. Try to install timer automatically on TV and immediately sleep. Notice again whether your partner managed to sleep even though the TV was turned off. If the TV sound still has to echo inside the room, try using ear plugs (earplug) to help you sleep.

7 Sleep Problems That Secretly Ruin Relationship
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