Need Fertility Test Before Marriage?


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Male and female couples who are planning to get married are strongly encouraged to undergo a medical examination. This aims to determine the health condition of the reproductive organs of both parties. So later the pregnancy process can be more maximal and produce healthy offspring. But what about the fertility test? Does a fertility test also need to be done before marriage? Here's the explanation.

Do you need a fertility test before marriage?

A fertility test is a test carried out to assess whether the reproductive organs in men and women support the occurrence of pregnancy naturally.

Some couples choose to undergo fertility tests before marriage. The reason is, they are worried if there will be one, both men and women, who are found to be infertile.

But actually a fertility test before marriage is not mandatory to do. It is precisely the examination that is preferred to be carried out before marriage is the health examination of the reproductive organs.

The goal is to see the possibility of sexually transmitted infections or certain diseases (such as HIV / AIDS) that can be transmitted to partners before starting to be sexually active. So, this is not necessarily related to a person's fertility.

Then, when does a fertility test need to be done?

Fertility checks are recommended when couples (couples) have entered the criteria of infertility. A sign of a fertility problem is if you have been sexually active for one year without contraception, but you don't get pregnant.

Usually, this fertility test is mostly done by newly married couples in old age or want to immediately have a baby for various other reasons.

Well, if the couple is not married and has not been sexually active, then it cannot be said that these women and men are infertile. Therefore, fertility examinations before marriage are not necessary.

But from my personal point of view, if a couple planning a wedding wants to do a fertility test, it is their right and it is okay to have a fertility test.

Fertility test procedures before marriage

Fertility checks are carried out on both sides, namely in men and women. Fertility tests in men are the most important is sperm examination. This examination is still carried out even though the man has had sex and had children before.

While in terms of women who have never had sexual intercourse, the recommended fertility check is only ultrasound through the abdomen or anus (transectal). The goal is to see the condition of the uterus organ.

But unfortunately, fertility tests performed on women who have not been sexually active actually become incomplete. Because, so that the fertility test becomes optimal, another examination is needed that must be done through the vagina.

While vaginal examinations are only performed on women who have been sexually active. Therefore, the results of fertility tests become ineffective when done by women who have not been sexually active.

Transectal ultrasound procedures are basically not very complicated, usually done at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Women only need to prepare mentally and stay relaxed, then the doctor or nurse will place an ultrasound device in the anal canal.

This procedure does cause discomfort in women, while the procedure for male fertility testing is relatively more comfortable than in women.

If one is infertile, what does the doctor recommend?

If it turns out there is one party that is infertile, the doctor will first make sure what causes infertility, whether this is due to abnormalities of the woman's uterine cavity or male sperm abnormalities.

The visible factor and often affect fertility is obesity. That is, if one partner is obese, the conception process tends to be more difficult. Statistically, women or men who are obese increase their risk of being difficult to conceive by about 30 percent than those who are not obese.

From the results of the examination, the doctor will consider which fertility treatment is appropriate, be it fertility therapy first, to insemination, or IVF. Fertility checks usually can also be used to detect other abnormalities such as cysts or uterine tumors (myoma).

Take for example, if a man has too little sperm count or the movement of his sperm is not good, then the doctor will first consider whether there is still a chance to be able to fertilize normally or not. So, the solution to be given can be supplemented first or by directly increasing the quality of the sperm through the process of insemination or IVF after marriage.

Need Fertility Test Before Marriage?
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