Sharp Scratches


Medical Video: ASMR MIC SCRATCHING With SHARP Objects

1. Definition

Are those sharp objects scratched?

Generally the wounds that are often experienced by most people occur on the surface of the skin and only a small portion can penetrate the skin. This wound is usually caused by sharp objects.

Open wounds may need to be sutured. Wounds that are more than 1 cm in size usually need to be sutured. If the wound is on the face and the size is greater than 0.5 cm, it usually also needs to be sewn. The faster the wound is closed, the lower the risk of infection. If you feel that your wound needs to be stitched, try to see a doctor for a maximum of 4 hours after the injury. All open wounds that may need sutures should be immediately examined by a doctor.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Symptoms of scratches include:

  • Bleeding wound
  • Redness or swelling around the wound
  • Pain or irritation on the surface of the skin

2. How to handle it

What should I do?

  • Put pressure directly on the wound for 10 minutes to stop bleeding.
  • Wash the wound with soap and water for 5 minutes.
  • Cut any loose / peeled skin using small scissors.
  • Apply an antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage or gauze. Wash wounds, apply ointment, and change bandages or gauze every day.
  • Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve pain.
  • Bandages in the form of liquid drugs that can dry and close wounds and scratches are the best form of treatment compared to ordinary plaster. These drugs only need to be given once because they provide faster recovery and reduce the risk of infection. After the wound is washed and dried, the medicine is given by spraying or applying it. The drug will dry out in less than a minute and usually last for a week. This medicine will not fade even if you take a bath. Try searching at the pharmacy near where you live.

Common mistakes in treating scratched wounds:

  • Don't use alcohol or Merthiolate on open wounds. These drugs can cause a feeling of stinging and damaging healthy tissue. Hydrogen peroxide also should not be used because it can break down healthy blood clots and is also less effective as a germ killer.
  • Don't kiss open wounds because the wound will be contaminated with a lot of germs from the mouths of healthy people.
  • Let the scab wound fall on its own; peeling it can cause scars.

When do I have to see a doctor?

Contact your doctor immediately if:

  • Bleeding does not stop even after the wound has been pressed for 10 minutes
  • The skin is split or open (gaping) and may require stitches
  • The wound is deep (you can see bones or muscles)
  • There is dirt in the wound that cannot come out

Even if it's not as severe as the symptoms above, you still need to see a doctor if:

  • Victims have not had tetanus immunization for more than 10 years (5 years for dirty wounds)
  • The wound looks infected (for example pus)
  • Pain, redness, or swelling appear after 48 hours
  • Wounds do not heal in 10 days

3. Prevention

To prevent cuts and scratches, you should avoid dangerous activities that make you have to contact sharp or rough surfaces. Wear clothes to protect your arms and legs, and always be alert. If you get a cut or scratch, clean it immediately and treat it to prevent infection.

Sharp Scratches
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