11 Mistakes When Gaining a Gym That Makes You Not Skinny (or Muscular)


Medical Video: 10 Muscle Building Mistakes (KILLING GAINS!)

You have paid a gym membership fee for a year in advance. You also have started to follow the keto diet trend to lose weight. But how come, the results don't appear?

Maybe it's time for you to reflect on mistakes. Here are eleven mistakes that are most often done when gym, which do not make you more fit, slim, and muscular.

Frequent mistakes in exercising at the gym

1. You follow the way other people exercise

If you are not sure how to get started or how to operate a tool, find a trusted coach to help you, not follow other visitors. A quality fitness trainer can design an efficient and effective training pattern according to your needs, so you will definitely be on the right track.

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2. Messy posture

Many people don't know how to use a variety of tools available in the gym. In fact, exercising with efficient movements is the most important aspect to maximize your training time.

If your posture is wrong when lifting weights, for example, you are not only at risk of injury by pressing tendons, joints and ligaments, but the results may also be zero. If you realize that you have a weak thigh muscle or an inflexible hip that prevents you from doing the right moves, try strengthening the weak area first.

A good fitness trainer can also help you get the right movements and posture when exercising to prevent the risk of injury.

3. The set and repetition of your practice is not effective enough

One common mistake often made by beginners is exercising with too little intensity but too much repetition. Better, focus your training time to lift weights by mobilizing less energy.

Try starting with a set of four to six or five to seven reps. That way, you can save time in the gym, but the results of muscle strength will appear much greater.

If you are always stuck doing reps in high numbers, this is the same as you just keep focusing on one muscle at a time. Instead, concentrate on the many variations of the movement that train many muscles at once, mimicking the way the body moves in real life, giving better results. As a result, you will forge more muscle fibers, which stimulate muscle-building hormones to build more optimal body strength in a shorter time.

excessive exercise

4. The principle of your sport is "dead reluctantly, life doesn't want to"

A half-hearted determination will produce half-baked results. Many people tend to only do the type of exercise they enjoy or choose to skip some because it's difficult. For example, choosing to run on a treadmill or electric bicycle only. If that happens, you will not see the desired benefits. Body fitness is directly related to how much maximum load you can lift or move.

There are many ways to increase the intensity of the gym and increase your heart rate, such as adding cardio intervals, increasing weight, varying the devices you use, adding obstacles, more explosive movements, training one side at a time, and combining several circuits . Better yet, combine cardio with endurance exercises to maximize calorie burning.

5. Your exercise pattern is not balanced

If you don't see the results you want, there is the potential that you do not train all muscle groups evenly. It is important to design "war tactics" about which muscle groups you train on what day so that each muscle group can work with its maximum performance, while avoiding fatigue and the risk of excessive exercise.

Combined exercise (exercises that process many muscle groups) is ideal, but some muscles can display their maximum potential even when they are trained to focus one by one. So it's also important to balance your practice by incorporating a mixture of combined movements and isolation. Focus on sports in the gym with a comparison of one isolation exercise for every two or three joint exercises.

6. Do not use gym schedules

After exhausted the gym twice a week yesterday, you chose to "get sick permission". Or, because you are just bored with the atmosphere of the gym and your favorite fitness trainer on leave, you don't get a gym. It's natural to feel bored with your exercise routine.

But don't let it go, you know! Although it's hard to stay consistent, there are various ways to pace yourself and keep your sports motivation burning. Find what works best for you, and make exercise a normal part of your daily life.

Or, take the time to find out a new class or type of exercise and take advantage of special member discounts for the free trial, borrow a gymnastic DVD from a gym to try at home when you're lazy to go out, or occasionally explore your other friends' favorite sports .

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7. Stubbornly want to do the hard and heavy

Starting a sport without warming up or "going up" too quickly to a heavier burden is an example of a wrong gym approach and a high risk of injury.

To be able to move on from a light burden to a more severe one, remember this 2-2 rule: Don't gain weight until you can do it two repetition or more that is more than the number of your repetition goals up to two exercises consecutive.

That is, if your initial goal is to lift 10 kilograms of weight with 12 reps, do not move to a heavier load number until you can easily do 15 reps in two practice sessions afterwards. Only then increase the weight of a few pounds, which is more for larger muscles.

8. You only eat a few calories

If you want to be thin, you exercise desperately and are rewarded with little food. This is a totally wrong principle. It's like your body is a car that almost runs out of gas. Of course it won't go too far. Same with your body.

A body that is not eating enough has fewer calories. In fact, to be able to cut fat optimally, you need at least 500 calories in the body. If before you just exercise you don't arm your body with enough calories, your body will adapt to burning fewer calories in an effort to maintain fat.

Likewise, if building muscle is your goal, eating too few calories will have a negative impact on your dreams. This way, your body will focus more on important functions such as breathing and regulating blood pressure rather than building muscle.

Not eating enough also affects your level of strength. In the end, not eating enough can make your recovery in vain; Your body will use the protein you eat as fuel for energy rather than repairing and rebuilding muscles. Eat foods high in lean protein, multiply vegetables and healthy fats, and make sure you eat enough.

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9. Eat blindly after gym

After an extra-hard gym session, many people want to take revenge for their hunger by eating well - the number of calories that comes in replaces the wasted, or worse, even more. This can easily undo all your hard work so far.

Amy Goodsoon, RD, a certified dietitian from the Dallas Cowboys Sport Dietitian, advises you to follow the guidelines: First, eat a snack after a gym that contains high carbohydrates and protein in 45 minutes after you finish.

Chocolate milk or Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of honey works effectively as a hungry procrastinator after gym. Or take a protein shake made with whey protein or pea protein. Afterwards, continue with other snacks that contain high fiber and lean protein to help you feel full longer.

10. Linger in the gym

Longing up in the gym with the assumption that the longer you exercise forever the better is the most common misunderstanding. A good exercise session does not need to spend hours. Plus, you really don't get better during practice; You get better between your training breaks.

You must recover to maximize the effect of your training. Optimal nutrition and rest between training sessions, that's how you get optimal results. Keep the amount of weight and number of sets directed at your goal, but generally try to do only 12 to 15 reps, and no more than two to three sets per training session. More than that, you will spend wasted time in the gym.

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11. You don't get enough rest

Gym enthusiasts often get caught up in excessive and excessive sports dilemmas. In fact, this can not only cancel your original goal but also cause potential danger. Rest is as important as exercise.

Lack of rest increases the risk of injury because the body does not recover properly and there are also health risks from forcing the body to work beyond its tolerance limits. This can cause hormonal imbalance, fatigue, decreased stamina and strength, until death.

How much rest you need depends on your age, fitness level and training volume. Try to train each major muscle group two to three days per week and "leave" a 48 hour break between gym sessions, as recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine.

11 Mistakes When Gaining a Gym That Makes You Not Skinny (or Muscular)
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