A Line of Good and Bad Foods for Multiple Sclerosis


Medical Video: Multiple Sclerosis MS Diet Food

Intake of healthy and nutritious food is very important to consume to control the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system to cause symptoms such as chronic fatigue, balance problems, tingling or numbness, and other symptoms. So, what are the foods for multiple sclerosis that are good and never consumed? Check out the full review below.

Is there a special type of diet for sufferers of multiple sclerosis?

According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), so far there is no strong evidence that certain diets can help prevent, treat, or cure multiple sclerosis. Because the symptoms of multiple sclerosis can come at any time, making it difficult to know what the right diet is.

Some special diets are even reported to be harmful to multiple sclerosis sufferers because they contain too many vitamins which are actually toxic to sufferers.

In general, the recommended food for multiple sclerosis is balanced nutrition, low fat, and high in fiber. This type of food is generally the same as recommended for normal people. So, basically there is no significant difference between the types of food for multiple sclerosis and other normal people.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that can cause inflammation. This is why, you are encouraged to avoid foods that can cause allergies or inflammation, thus preventing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis getting worse. Therefore, for those of you who have multiple sclerosis, you must maintain your diet as well as possible so that the symptoms you feel don't get worse.

Food for multiple sclerosis is recommended

To reduce the chance of recurrence of symptoms, here are foods for good multiple sclerosis:

1. Food sources of vitamin D

Not only does it increase bone strength, vitamin D has important effects to help regulate cell growth and development. This is very useful for maintaining immunity in patients with multiple sclerosis.

A study shows that vitamin D can increase the effectbeta interferon which makes the number of antibodies in multiple sclerosis sufferers increase. Therefore, you can eat various foods rich in vitamin D such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, cod liver oil, milk, and others.

But you should still consume vitamin D in the normal amount, which is 15 micrograms per day (600 IU) for ages 1 to 64 years and 20 micrograms per day (800 IU) for ages above 64 years.

2. Biotin

Biotin is a vitamin that belongs to the vitamin B complex group. Sometimes, biotin is also called vitamin H or B7. You can find biotin in various types of food, such as eggs, yeast, liver, and kidneys.

Recent research shows that high-dose biotin supplementation is beneficial for some people with multiple sclerosis. However, further research is still needed to ensure more benefits for people with multiple sclerosis.

3. Probiotics

According to a study published in Nature Communications, the presence of good bacteria or probiotics in the intestine can strengthen the body's resistance to multiple sclerosis. Because, probiotics can help optimize beneficial bacteria in the intestine so that the patient's immune system increases.

Probiotic bacteria are available in supplements and various fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and fermented tea.

4. Prebiotics

In addition to filling your intestines with good bacteria, you should also give them food called prebiotics. Well, foods that contain good levels of prebiotics include garlic, leeks, shallots, and asparagus.

This prebiotic not only fertilizes good bacteria in the intestine, but also fulfills your fiber needs. Fulfill your prebiotic needs through consuming fiber-rich foods of 5 to 7 grams per day.

5. Fiber

Fiber can be easily found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. These fiber-rich foods can help improve the health of multiple sclerosis patients by feeding probiotics in the intestine. In addition, fiber-rich foods can also facilitate the digestive system and keep the heart healthy.

6. Polyunsaturated fatty acids

type of fat

The polyunsaturated fatty acid content (PUFA) in foods is known to help control inflammation in the body. PUFA is useful for improving various body functions, ranging from thinking abilities to heart health, especially in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Some studies show that a diet low in saturated fat supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids is very beneficial for sufferers of multiple sclerosis by inhibiting the inflammatory response. As a result, symptoms of multiple sclerosis become easier to control.

Good sources of fat consumed by multiple sclerosis sufferers include salmon, tuna, mackerel, and some vegetable oils such as olive oil, calona oil, soybean oil, and linseed oil.

Foods that must be avoided by patients with multiple sclerosis

There are several types of food that are feared to make the symptoms of multiple sclerosis that you suffer from getting worse. Here are foods that you must limit or avoid:

1. Saturated fats and processed foods

Because you are recommended to maintain a healthy digestive system, it is important to avoid various foods that are bad for your digestion. Because, this is useful to maintain the growth of probiotics in the intestine so that it continues to be optimal so that inflammation can be prevented.

Patients with multiple sclerosis are advised to avoid various processed foods, especially those containing saturated fats and high hydrogenated oils. Limit daily saturated fat intake to 15 grams a day to maintain your health.

2. Foods high in salt

The study found that the symptoms of multiple sclerosis recur more easily when someone is eating foods high in sodium. Too much sodium intake can increase the risk of developing wounds and new inflammation in the body.

In addition to limiting high salt foods, sufferers of multiple sclerosis are also advised to avoid sweet drinks, red meat, fried foods, and low-fiber foods.

A Line of Good and Bad Foods for Multiple Sclerosis
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