4 Types of Knee Injuries that Often Occur


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Knee injury is one of the most common types of injuries. In the athletes group alone, an estimated 2.5 million athletes experience knee injuries each year. Handling a knee injury can be done with simple treatment until you have to do surgery, this depends on how severe the knee injury is.

The knee can be injured due to various things, usually due to physical activity such as sports and then falling or bumping into something. Knee injuries consist of several types and by knowing the type of knee injury that occurs, it facilitates the treatment process. What are the most common types of knee injuries?

1. Sprains or sprains

Sprains or sprains on the knee often occur when you have a knee injury. The dislocated knee is a ligament or connective tissue in the knee. This connective tissue serves to protect bones and joints and determine the movement space of the bone, so that ligaments or connective tissue are flexible and flexible.

Sprained or dislocated knees usually occur as a result of doing a number of sports such as soccer and basketball, where in this sport athletes often experience the wrong 'landing' when jumping and legs move quickly. Symptoms caused are pain and pain when walking and redness around the dislocated area.

READ ALSO: The 10 Most Common Types of Sports Injuries

2. Meniscus injury (knee joint bearing)

Meniscus is a cushion of the knee joint that is shaped like a ring and serves to prevent the knee from colliding and avoiding the knee bone rubbing against other bones. Meniscus injury is characterized by tearing of the meniscus and causing stiffness, swelling and knees. This happens due to doing sports, where the knee collides with something.

3. Broken bones

Broken bones occur as a result of trauma, such as falling, having an accident, or injury during exercise. Broken bones are the kneecap bones. If you experience a fracture, the patient is recommended to take medical action such as surgery.

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4. Overuse

Overuse occurs when the knee is used too often and then problems and problems arise patellofemoral pain syndrome which is more common in running athletes and bicycles. The pain that appears usually feels around the knee or the back of the knee and the severity of the pain varies. This pain will be aggravated by doing strenuous activities and vice versa, will heal if adequate rest.

How to avoid knee injuries?

Actually, knee injuries can be avoided and prevented, here are ways to prevent knee injuries:

  • Warm up and stretch before and after exercise
  • Get used to using stairs compared to elevators, riding bicycles, and lifting heavy loads when exercising. This will train leg strength.
  • Avoid sudden changes in exercise intensity
  • Wear appropriate shoes
  • Maintain weight so that the pressure on the knee does not increase
  • Wear knee protection when doing several sports such as cycling.

READ ALSO: Tips for Preventing Injuries at Work

4 Types of Knee Injuries that Often Occur
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