Alert, Often Eating Too Night Can Increase Cancer Risk


Medical Video: Eating Late Increases Cancer Risk

Cancer becomes one of the deadliest diseases in the world. This disease is caused by abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer cells can occur anywhere in your body, from the brain to your skin. Initially cancer cells only attack certain areas, without the treatment of cancer cells can spread and attack other body tissues.

A study shows that dinner hours can affect a person's risk of developing cancer. How so, huh? Find out the answer below.

The risk of cancer and eating habits too late

diabetics eat late at night

A study conducted by the Barcelona Institute published in the International Journal of Cancer shows that eating time at night can affect a person's risk of developing cancer.

In the study, researchers looked at data from 621 male participants with prostate cancer and 1205 women with breast cancer. In addition, researchers also observed 872 men and 1,321 women who did not work withshift night.

Study participants were asked to fill out questionnaires and conduct face-to-face interviews about eating and sleeping habits and other risk factors. The participants also reported the hours at which they usually had breakfast, lunch and dinner. One third of the participants also had the habit of snacking in the afternoon, and 7 percent of participants often ate snacks after dinner.

The results showed that people who ate dinner before 9 o'clock at night or ate at least two hours before going to bed had a risk of breast and prostate cancer lower by about 20 percent compared to people who ate too late, that is above 10 o'clock.

People who work shift night tends to eat too late

night shift work

Some professions such as flight attendants, nurses, emergency room officers, and security officers often have to take turns to work at night until dawn or early morning.

Those who work shift night must be vigilant at night. This working time can shift the meal time to more nights or tend to snack to get rid of drowsiness.

Katie Ferraro, a nutritionist and lecturer from the University of California in the United States believes that people work shift night will wake up later and skip morning exercise. As a result, they are very easy to gain weight. Being overweight is a risk factor for all types of cancer.

In addition to gaining weight, eating too late and changing sleep times can also disrupt the circadian rhythm (the body's biological clock). The body's biological clock regulates hormone levels, sleep and wake cycles, metabolism, and other important mechanisms in the body, including the development of cells in the body.

Well, abnormalities or abnormal cell growth in the body can develop into cancer.

The risk factor for cancer is not just dinner time

fasting for cancer patients

Eating too late is indeed not a single risk factor for cancer. If you eat without noticing the nutritional content of food can also increase the risk of cancer. Other cancer risk factors that you need to know, include:

  • Age
  • Have family members with a history of cancer
  • Often exposed to cancer-triggering substances, for example from cigarette smoke
  • Too much exposure to sunlight
  • Obesity
  • Smoking or alcoholism

Although cancer can also be caused by other risk factors, everyone is still encouraged to eat on time. Don't delay. Eat at a reasonable hour, which is 6-8 at night. Avoid eating too late, especially if it has become a habit.

Alert, Often Eating Too Night Can Increase Cancer Risk
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