5 Types of Sports That Need To Be Done Before Wedding Day


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Wedding day is one of the most important days in life awaited for many couples. You certainly want to look as perfect as possible. But instead of trying a strict diet that can be dangerous, why not just exercise to get a dream body in a healthier way?

The best sports for preparation before marriage

The following are five of the best types of exercise that you can put in your marriage preparation plan, in addition to compiling a guest list, building bookings, catering messages, looking forevent organizer, and of course find the right clothes. Plus, you can make this exercise session to get closer to your partner before the D-Day.

1. Run away

There are many health benefits that you can get from running. Running can increase endurance, strengthen the work of the heart and lungs, and launch blood vessels. But besides that, running can burn body fat quickly. The body will continue to burn calories even after you finish running. Running strengthens the bones as well as increases its density, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis in the future.

Running also stimulates the body to increase endocannabinoid hormone production which can make you feel happy. This hormone is thought to have a mood enhancing effect that is stronger than endorphins because endorphins are only produced in certain parts of the brain, while endocannabinoids can be produced in various body cells. Running not only relieves stress that may arise during preparation before marriage, but also reduces your chances of being affected by stress in the future.

Psstt ... Especially for men, run to train the strength of blood vessels and heart so that it reduces your risk of experiencing impotence aka erectile dysfunction.

2. Swim

Swimming is an aerobic activity that involves the movement of the whole body. If done with the right technique and routine, swimming can train heart and lung strength which will greatly improve endurance and overall body fitness. Swimming also builds longer and leaner muscles, which helps increase the body's metabolism to continue burning excess calories in the long run even though you have finished swimming.

3. Pilates

Pilates is useful for strengthening the body's core muscles, which stretches from the lower chest muscles, stomach, back, to the muscles around the pelvis. Weak or inflexible core muscles can make you easily achy, sore, or even injured. Weak core body muscles can also drain the energy from every move you make so you become tired quickly. Sluggish stamina is the last thing you want in the midst of the hustle and bustle of preparation before marriage.

Pilates also supports the body's core to stabilize the body's coordination, so that it can maintain good posture when sitting or standing when at the aisle later.

In a way, Pilates also involves movements similar to Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Strong pelvic muscles can give you a more amazing orgasm experience. In addition, the benefits of pilates for strengthening the pelvic muscles don't just end up in bed. If you will try to get pregnant, a strong pelvic floor muscle can make it easier for you to push (push the baby) during labor later.

4. Yoga

Yoga helps you reach and maintain a balance between body, mind and spirit by incorporating relaxation techniques, breathing arrangements, and meditation to achieve calmness and peace. Simply put, yoga can counteract the stress that comes terrorizing you during preparation before marriage and also later in the day.

Yoga can also be done by the groom. The benefits of yoga for men include building mass and muscle strength, which is more effective than just bench press or squat. Some yoga movements specifically for men can be done to overcome impotence, aka erectile dysfunction.

5. Lift the load

Lifting weights is one of the best choices for those of you who want an ideal body shape and posture. In addition to forming muscles, lifting weights basically while increasing the strength and muscle mass of the body. Weight training also offers a number of other benefits including weight loss, fat burning, and fighting osteoporosis.

One study from the University of Sydney, Australia, reported that people who routinely underwent weight training showed increased brain cognitive function. That means your brain becomes more agile to undergo a variety of complicated tasks. Basically, lifting weights can train sharpness of focus, readiness to plan and organize things, and multitasking or doing many things at once. Skills that are quite useful during completing all preparations before marriage, right?

Tips for exercising before marriage

To achieve optimal exercise benefits, you can mix several types of sports above in a certain period of time. It's better if you are able to do everything.

And if you are firmly committed to exercise, don't delay. Setting aside time to exercise before the wedding day is not like an overnight system. You will not get optimal results if you exercise too fast with your wedding day. In addition to starting time, routines are also important. If you don't exercise regularly, you will repeat it from scratch.

Arrange itrealistic target. It is true that making a goal or target will make you more motivated. However, high-level fantasies actually make you easily stressed and even give up quickly if the expected end result doesn't match reality.

But certainly, if you want to start exercising while completing all preparations before marriage, take into account the limits of your body's ability. Don't force exercise if your body and mind are tired. What is there, you will even more easily fall ill. Therefore, adjust the duration and frequency of your exercise in the midst of busy days ahead of your wedding. Do not forget to prioritize a healthy diet and adequate rest so that all the hard work of preparation before your marriage does not become in vain.

5 Types of Sports That Need To Be Done Before Wedding Day
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