9 Buttock Movements That Can Be Done in the Office


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Tightening the buttocks is an effective way to make the shape of the butt more beautiful while making the muscles in the body balanced. Maybe most of you don't do this exercise because you don't have enough time, because there is a lot of work or because there isn't enough space. But, actually you can do some exercises on your desk without losing productivity. According to the American Council on Exercise, sitting for long periods of time can shorten the hamstrings and muscles of the hip flexors, thereby increasing tension in the lower back and knees. By adding exercise to the table every day, you can prevent muscle imbalances.

Butt tightening exercises that can be done in the office

1. Squat in a chair

Stand with your back against the chair, and your hands holding the back of the chair. Hold your chest and chin facing forward. Then, slowly lower your buttocks from the chair, and slowly rise again. Repeat 15-20 times.

2. Standard squat

Stand erect with feet shoulder width apart, and chin and chest facing forward. Then, lower your buttocks down with the buttocks behind your heels and leaning forward. This aims to make the thigh line parallel to the ground. Repeat 15-20 times.

3. Foot reduction

Foot reduction targets the inner thighs and hips. Place a thick shirt or towel folded between your knees while you sit. Press both knees together, then hold for 3-5 seconds, then relax the body with the same time. Do it 15-20 times throughout the day to tighten the buttocks.

4. Leg extension

Perform leg extensions while still sitting in your chair. Lift one leg and straighten until all feet are parallel to the floor. When your feet are parallel, tighten the thigh muscles above your knees. After the legs are straight, tighten the front thigh muscles more tightly and hold for five seconds. If you want, you can put a load of 2 kg on your ankles to make a little resistance. Do 10-15 reps for one leg, then change to the other foot.

5. Isometric resistance

The National Strength and Conditioning Association describes isometric contractions as exercises without causing changes in muscle length. That means the muscles don't move, but still contract. Sit in a chair, then squeeze the glute muscles (muscles in your buttocks) as hard as possible. Although there is no burden to manipulate, the act of squeezing is a good exercise for the buttocks. Hold for 10 seconds, and then rest for 30 seconds. Do as many as 10 reps.

6. One leg squat

Stand on the side of the pole or on another stable object using your left foot. Lift your right leg and place it on your left leg's thigh. Keep your body in a squat position, by lowering your left knee, pushing your hips back, and keeping your shoulders from bending. Then stand again and repeat for 15-20 times.

7. Squat to the side

Stand tall and feet closed. Put your chest forward. Step your right foot shoulder width apart and do the standard squat position. Then stand up while putting your feet together. Do it in the opposite direction. Do as many as 20 reps, with the right side count ten and the left side count ten.

8. Jump squat

Stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, bring your body into a squat position like a standard squat. After you squat, jump and land in a squat position. Repeat 15-20 times.

9. Jump squat rotates

Stand facing forward and open your feet shoulder width apart. Bring your body to the squat position described above. The way to do this exercise is almost the same as a jump squat exercise, but a little more complicated. You have to jump to the right, then land in the squat position, then jump again to the left, and land in the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times, resting for 10 seconds, and then do it to the opposite side.



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9 Buttock Movements That Can Be Done in the Office
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