Interested in Trying Muay Thai? This is the benefit for our body


Medical Video: How Kickboxing Can Transform Your Body

Muay thai is now one of the most popular and popular martial arts sports among sports lovers. As is well known, muay thai is a form of martial arts originating from Thailand, also known as Thai Boxing. Muay thai movement is done by using 4 sets of limbs, namely the legs, hands, arms and thighs and utilizing attacks from boxing, elbows, knees and feet. In addition, this sport can be carried out by various groups with any gender so that everyone can enjoy it,

As with all forms of martial arts, exercises carried out by Muay Thai sports have great benefits for health. The muay thai movement helps increase the cardiovascular system's speed, agility, strength and endurance while practicing. This exercise is very good for building stamina, health, and fitness which will increase.

Benefits of muay thai for health

1. Healthy heart

According to research, no exercise can train the heart system as well as muay thai. By combining the types of aerobic and anaerobic sports, muay thai benefits from the great pressure that nourishes the heart. With regular practice, your body will get used to the stresses in this sport, and healthy cardiovascular performance enhancement is one of the benefits

2. Strengthens the leg muscles

Kicking and a few other foot movements are the main moves in muay thai. One of the typical moves is kicking with a half-circle rotating foot motion and done with the front foot or commonly known as "roundhouse kick."

Learning muay thai will also teach you how to kick well and strengthen your lower body muscles. Every muscle in your lower body will benefit from practicing various kick and footwork exercises in this Thai sport. If done routinely, it will have a good impact on endurance of leg muscles, strength, agility, and can form calves to be stronger.

3. Strengthens the body's core muscles

Usually the so-called core body muscle refers to a person's abdominal muscles. However, this is not entirely true. The core muscle or the core of your body is every muscle located in your torso, and not just focus on the abdominal muscles. Exercise in all movements in this sport really strengthens your core muscles. Punching or kicking into the opponent's body is also quite helpful. Attacks that become self-defense movements will help you strengthen all the core muscles in the body.

4. Make your hips more flexible

When you do a kicking and attacking motion with your knees, your hip flexibility will also be trained. Having healthy hips will have a good impact on other body health conditions. Don't forget to warm up and stretch the hip muscles to avoid injury. Occasionally do massage or massage on the hips to facilitate blood circulation in the area.

5. Release stress

Releasing the burden of emotions and stress is in fact the most important health benefit that can be obtained from muay thai. Most people accumulate quite a lot of stress during the day. By doing this exercise after a day of activity, your emotions can be overcome, for example by hitting or kicking things can make you feel better.

6. Train mentally and discipline

Beyond clear physical skills such as kicking, punching and attacking, practicing this sport will train your discipline. With the right training, you will learn to do assignments without being told what to do. Basically, self discipline is the number one benefit that can be obtained from muay thai. His training program trains and directs you to a self-defensive system, which requires discipline and strong mentality when in the ring.

7. Can lose weight

If you ask whether muay thai can make you lose weight, the answer is yes. The muay thai movement is directed at employing all your limbs and increasing your overall cardiovascular endurance. Body posture, footwork, basic punches, kicks, and knee and elbow attacks when combined with warm-up and stretching will help burn your fat and calories.

Interested in Trying Muay Thai? This is the benefit for our body
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