Tips for Starting Sports After Recovering from Pain


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Sport is a very good activity for health. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the more diligent you exercise, the more you reduce your risk of cancer and diabetes. Research shows that exercise can also increase the age of 3 to 7 years. So many benefits of exercise that we get. But what if you are sick? You who have a hobby of sports, gym, or fitness must ask when I can start sports again after recovering from illness. Before exercising, it's a good idea to find out in this article.

Why should you not exercise when you are sick

When you are sick, the body will definitely feel it. Never mind exercising, for normal activities like normal it is certainly difficult when the body is not fit. Don't force yourself when you're sick to exercise, because you have to see how the body responds.

According to experts, pain is caused by stress. This stress will produce the hormone cortisol which acts to reduce the production of cytokines in the body. Cytokines are a group of proteins that greatly affect the immune system in our body. If cytokine production is reduced, the immune system will respond, while the immune system or immune system will be able to stimulate the production of the chemicals needed to fight infection and take other steps to suppress the spread of harmful bacteria.

When the immune system is not fully functional, our body will respond to the pain we feel. If you've heard the results of research that shows that stress can be reduced by regular physical exercise, that is true, but that doesn't mean you then exercise when you are sick because you assume that pain is caused by stress. However exercise is the key to regulating stress when the body is healthy, not when it is sick. The only thing you have to do when you are sick is to do healing first.

When can you start sports again after recovering from illness?

This depends on the pain experienced because each disease has different times for healing. According to Michele Olson, a professor at Montgomery University, starting the first exercise after recovering from illness is when you can make sure that your body temperature for the past 48 hours is normal and no longer has a fever.

If you do not have a fever within 48 hours, you can start sports activities slowly. Do not immediately start with a normal portion like before being sick. If before you get sick you have a 100% portion of exercise, then start with a maximum portion of 20-30% in the first week, if you feel you are getting better, increase to 70%.

Then when can you do the exact same exercise routine before you get sick? Wait two to three weeks. This really depends on what pain is experienced, if mild such as fever, influenza or cough, wait one or two weeks. If the illness is severe, wait for up to three weeks. After this you can start sports activities with intensity as usual.

Start really slowly, do not act unfairly on the body. If you feel unsure when you can exercise after healing because of the pain experienced, consult your doctor what type of exercise you can do. Exercise can indeed help to be healthier, but your obligation to know when and how exercise is right for you.


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Tips for Starting Sports After Recovering from Pain
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