What happens to the muscles after you start training exercises lift weights


Medical Video: How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss?

Weight lifting is a type of exercise that is ideal for forming and raising muscle mass. The benefits of lifting weights also include losing weight and fighting osteoporosis. But you might wonder, what happens to the muscles of the body after lifting weights so that they can become big like bodybuilders? Here's the explanation.

The benefits of lifting weights for muscle building occur in the following 5 steps

1. A small muscle injury occurs

Exercise lifts an intense weight causing small wounds in the muscle fibers and connective tissue. At first, the wound that is formed is only small, but will continue to grow in large quantities so that the muscles become tired.

The healing process of muscle wounds can take more than a week, but you can speed up by increasing eating foods high in carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats immediately after you finish training until the next few days. These food sources also help accelerate the process of forming new muscles.

Get enough rest after exercise can also help speed up healing of tired muscles after lifting weights.

2. Muscle damage

Weight training and other strenuous exercises cause small tears and other damage to your muscle tissue. Although it might sound like a scary, this damage is actually a key component of muscle development.

The damage your muscles receive when lifting weights triggers the healing process and also asks the body to try and adjust to prevent other damage later on.

3. Rebuilding muscles

Over time, the tired muscle cells will be repaired by the body while the damaged muscle cells will be replaced with new ones. The body's ability to rebuild its muscles also increases muscle size, strength and capacity.

This muscle formation process is aided by digestion of protein from food that will be used to make new muscles.

4. Formation of lactic acid

Weight training or other types of heavy exercise will stimulate the body to produce lactic acid as a metabolic waste of the body.

In a reasonable level, lactic acid can be burned as a reserve of energy when the body needs more energy that can be produced through cell respiration. Simply put, lactic acid can increase your stamina for longer exercise.

Even so, lactic acid in excessive amounts in the body can harm the muscles. This causes muscle fatigue and muscle pain that feels like burning after exercise.

5. Muscle pump

The muscles will contract often enough to allow you to lift and lower the load during exercise.

These contractions put pressure on the blood vessels so that blood flows to the muscles. As a result, there is an increase in blood pressure in the muscles. This increase in blood pressure causes a leak of blood plasma from capillary arteries to surrounding tissues. This process causes the "pump effect" so that the muscles become enlarged.

What happens to the muscles after you start training exercises lift weights
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