Be Careful, Carbohydrates and Milk Can Reduce Male Fertility


Medical Video: Drinking Milk With Honey Increase Sperm Count | BRIGHT FUTURE.

Infertility or infertility is at least experienced by 10-15% of couples who are trying to have offspring. Many things affect fertility, one of which is food consumed. As with the results that have recently emerged which suggest that consuming carbohydrates and milk affects sperm quality in men so that it can cause infertility.

Excessive carbohydrate consumption decreases sperm count

This study was discussed at a regular meeting held by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in San Diego. The researchers involved as many as 200 healthy men with the age group 18 to 22 years and had high physical activity and had an average body mass index (BMI) of 25.3 kg / m2. Then, it was discovered that the group consumed almost half of carbohydrate intake in a day. From the study it was found that people who consumed more carbohydrates had fewer sperm counts than people who consumed less carbohydrates.

In addition, in this study also found an association between the glycemic index and the amount of sperm. The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly the carbohydrates eaten are then converted into blood sugar in the body. The results found that people who ate foods that had a high glycemic index had fewer sperm counts, the lower the glycemic index of the food consumed, the more sperm the group produced. The group of people who consumed foods with the highest glycemic index had sperm counts of 32 million / ml while the group with the lowest glycemic index was able to produce sperm as much as 59 million / ml. But in the study it was not found a relationship between carbohydrate consumption and sperm shape and movement.

Why carbohydrates can affect sperm?

The relationship between carbohydrates and sperm is still unclear. However, the most reasonable and most likely answer is the consumption of foods that contain high carbohydrates and a large glycemic index can cause a person to experience overweight or even obesity. Another study in the Journal of Human Reproduction states that men who have a BMI value that exceeds normal tends to have a small amount of sperm and poor quality semen. This can happen because too much fat storage in the body can convert the hormone testosterone in men into the hormone estrogen which is a hormone that is in women.

Another theory also mentions that increased leptin hormone in the body can affect sperm quality. The hormone leptin is a hormone that serves to suppress appetite and will appear when a person's stomach is fully charged. However, because of eating too much so that the leptin hormone no longer works properly and according to its function, then affects sperm in men.

Milk consumption affects the movement and quality of sperm

Not only is the dietary pattern of carbohydrate sources studied, but the milk consumption habits in the male group are also considered. Respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire related to the food they eat everyday. Previously, it had been determined that as many as 28 grams of cheese, one tablespoon of cream, one large spoon of ice cream, or one glass of milk full cream expressed as one portion of dairy products. In the study, experts looked at the shape and speed of sperm movements from groups of people who used to consume milk or milk products. From the results of the study it was found that the group that consumed dairy products at least 3 servings in one day had a decrease in sperm quality by 25% compared to the group that consumed fewer dairy products.

The researchers concluded that the estrogen hormone commonly contained in milk and other products could affect the male reproductive system, including sperm quality. The estrogen hormone is a hormone contained in a woman's body and serves to regulate the female reproductive system.

Pesticides in milk also have an effect

In addition, researchers also consider that the pesticides that may be present in milk affect the movement and shape of the sperm produced. Pesticides can be present in milk because the cows that produce milk are given plants or food contaminated with pesticides, so that cow milk is also contaminated. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health who found that people who consume foods contaminated with pesticides in their food produce sperm 50% less than people who do not consume food contaminated with pesticides.

Not that you should not consume carbohydrates and milk

The information above does not mean you have to reduce or not even consume carbohydrates or dairy products at all. All you need to consider is the type of carbohydrate and milk consumed. It's better to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates, namely in the form of sugar, as well as various other sweet foods, and multiply complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, wheat bread, and cereals. Also, pay attention to the levels of the glycemic index of the food you eat.

Whereas if you are used to eating milk every day, it never hurts to try soy milk or other vegetable-based milk that might be safer to consume.


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Be Careful, Carbohydrates and Milk Can Reduce Male Fertility
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