Which is Better, Sports at Home or Gym?


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How often do you exercise in one week? Yes, maybe you intend to exercise regularly from some time ago, but it hasn't been done until now. There are a number of things that can make your intention relax, such as when you are busy so you don't know when to do it and where to do the exercise yourself, whether you can at home or have to go to the gym. Actually it depends on you. Here are the disadvantages and advantages of doing exercise at home and at the gym as your guide to choosing.

Strengths in the gym

1. Have more choices.

If you decide to exercise at the gym, then you can choose what exercise you will do, because there are many sports tools that make it easy for you to exercise.

2. Extra motivation

With you doing sports in the gym, you can't help but sign up to become a member at the gym, so you at least spend money on it. This can be a motivation for you, because you do not want the money that has been spent to be in vain, right? In addition, a gym environment full of people who are exercising can also make you more motivated to exercise more often.

3. More focus and concentration

The gym environment makes focus and concentration easier to form when compared to at home. There aren't many things that can bother you, if you do it in the gym.

4. Can participate in available programs

Not only have many choices of sports equipment and facilities, usually in the gym there is also a professional person or coach who can help your program be more quickly achieved.

Lack of exercise in the gym

1. Large costs

One of the things that makes most people think twice about doing sports in the gym is the cost that must be spent while exercising in the gym is quite large.

2. Need preparation

Unlike doing sports at home, if you choose to exercise at the gym, all you have to do before going to the gym is to prepare all your belongings, such as changing clothes, filling bottles, and carrying other items.

The advantages of doing sports at home

1. Cheap

The biggest difference between doing exercise at home or a gym is the cost. Of course if you choose to exercise at home, you don't need to pay anything.

2. More comfortable

Maybe most people are less comfortable if they have to exercise together or in a crowd. But if you do exercise at home, you don't need to think about what clothes you should wear, no matter what style you are going to exercise, or how long you spend on exercise. You will feel relaxed if you do it at home.

3. Various choices

You don't need to be confused about what sports you can do at home. There are so many sports you can do, like cycling, running, walking around the house, or doing aerobics in the room. Some home activities such as gardening can also include physical activities that you can do at home.

4. Can combine several types of sports

If you really want to train the heart, but also want to train your leg muscles, then you can combine several movements or types of exercise at one time. Some applications on your smartphone can help show which movements include heart exercise or exercise that are useful for toning the leg muscles. Then you can unite several of these movements freely, not time-bound.

Lack of exercise at home

1. Difficult to focus, too many reasons

If you decide to exercise at home, then straighten your intentions first. Lots of people can't exercise at home because there are too many reasons to avoid regular exercise.

2. There is no coach

A coach or someone who is professional is very necessary if you are doing a program, such as weight loss, or increased muscle mass. If you do it at home, then this becomes rather difficult to do.

3. Limited places and facilities

Doing exercise at home does not require a spacious place or room. But if you really want to use sports equipment like treadmill or other tools, the tool requires a rather large space to store it.

Then, do I have to exercise at home or at the gym?

Actually, this depends on your needs and comfort. If indeed you are undergoing a program and do not have enough time to exercise, the gym is the right place for you, because in the gym you will be more focused and able to run the program faster than at home. But if you have enough time and the budget available is limited, so exercise at home is the solution. It doesn't matter where the sport is, but the quality and frequency of the sport must be considered.


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Which is Better, Sports at Home or Gym?
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