Get to know the tool for checking blood sugar, a friend of a person with diabetes


Medical Video: Checking Your Blood Glucose | Diabetes Discharge | Nucleus Health

For those of you who have diabetes, a blood sugar check tool is certainly not new. It could be, this object is the favorite thing that you often touch after a cellphone, for example. This is certainly not done without reason. The diabetics or also called diabetics who have the obligation to monitor blood sugar can be greatly helped by the presence of this blood sugar check tool.

With this tool, you no longer need to go back and forth to the hospital and see a syringe along with a hose that drains blood only to find out blood sugar levels. Of course you will feel troubled if you have to undergo such a procedure, right? Moreover, actually, it doesn't take so much blood if it's only to check your blood sugar levels in order to monitor.

So, have we really understood the blood sugar check tool and how to use it?

What is a blood sugar check tool?

A blood sugar measuring device, as the name implies, is a digital device that serves to measure the level of sugar in a person's blood. Its small and easy-to-carry form allows diabetics to be able to store it with them wherever they go so monitoring blood sugar can continue. The ease of use also makes diabetics can check independently without the help of medical personnel.

For people with diabetes, controlling blood sugar can help you and your doctor in planning treatment. When this is carried out with discipline, those who have diabetes can prevent themselves from various complications that usually accompany diabetes.

Component of a blood sugar check tool

Blood sugar check tool or also called glucometer which is usually sold usually consists of needles lancet and tools lancet and measuring strips and measuring instruments themselves. So, you will get three components when you buy a commonly used glucometer.

Glukometer consists of two main parts, namely measuring strips and measuring devices. These two things play a direct role in measuring sugar content independently, temporarily lancet and the injector is a supporter for an independent blood sugar test.

This measuring strip is used to take blood samples from people who have diabetes. Measuring strips are usually disposable. Likewise with the needle used to take blood samples (lancet) Don't use it repeatedly.

What you should pay attention when you want to check your blood sugar is to clean your finger first, which you will use to take a blood sample. Use alcoholic cotton to clean it. You should wait for your finger to dry before stabbing the needle lancet to minimize the feeling of being stung when jabbing it.

After sticking the needle lancet, take blood using a measuring strip and insert it into the reading device / glucometer. After that, you just have to wait until a number appears on the screen of your measuring device.

Type of blood sugar check

Measuring blood sugar levels can be done in some time. This difference in checking blood sugar can help explain how well your diabetes is controlled through a series of treatments and changes in the lifestyle you live. Because there are different methods, the normal levels for each method are also different. The following is a method of checking blood sugar levels carried out by diabetes.

Fasting blood sugar

As the name implies, this method of checking blood sugar is done by first fasting. At least, before carrying out this test you are required to fast for eight hours. Fasting blood sugar tests are usually done in the morning. This is done to make it easier for diabetics because at night there is not much activity done besides sleeping.

When entering the fasting period, you are asked not to eat and drink so that the measurements taken in the morning can show maximum results. During this fast, if it is urgent, you are still allowed to drink water.

Fasting blood sugar levels that are considered normal are below 100 mg / dl. If you are at 100-125 mg / dl, you should start a lifestyle change to be healthier because it indicates the presence of prediabetes in you. Prediabetes often leads to diabetes. A person is declared diabetic if the results of his fasting blood sugar level exceeds or equal to 126 mg / dl.

Blood sugar 2 hours postprandial

This test is also known as a blood sugar test two hours after eating. Usually this test is carried out close to the fasting blood sugar test. After you check fasting blood sugar, eat food. After two hours, re-examine blood sugar. This is done to find out if your body can absorb glucose properly.

Normally, blood sugar levels will rise when you eat. This is reasonable considering the food you consume will be broken down into glucose. When it's been two hours from your meal, glucose should have been absorbed into the body. This occurs in people who do not have diabetes. That is why, it is important for those of you who have diabetes to do this check to see if the treatment given is appropriate or not, Blood sugar levels two hours after eating are said to be normal if the number is below 140 mg / dl.

When blood sugar

This blood sugar check can be done at any time and does not have certain rules. On this test, your blood sugar is said to be within normal limits if the level is below 140 mg / dl.

Is it accurate the results of the blood sugar test?

So far, blood sugar check tools can provide results that are quite accurate in reading blood sugar. Even so, the results displayed on the screen could be wrong for several reasons. Below are some things that can affect the reading of blood sugar check results.

User error

The user's error in operating the test equipment can be a major cause of errors in reading the results of the test equipment. Make sure you understand correctly about the use of this test tool. Discuss with your doctor about the right way to read and use your blood sugar test kit.

Taking blood samples from dirty fingers

Taking blood samples for checking blood sugar levels is usually done at the fingertips. Non-sterile fingers, such as the loss of leftovers, drinks, or moisturizers can affect the results of blood sugar levels on the screen. Make sure you clean using an alcoholic tissue and let it dry before taking a blood sample to the measuring strip.

Environmental conditions

Humidity and ambient temperature can affect your blood sugar levels. Your body or maybe the strip you are using can be affected by environmental conditions. Some glucometers provide instructions on how to use the test kit in certain situations

Strips that do not fit the measuring instrument

The price of a measuring strip can be expensive, so you might be looking for another, cheaper strip. However, keep in mind that not all strips are suitable and can be used with the measuring instrument, in addition to the default glucometer strip itself. This certainly can affect the reading of the results of blood sugar checks. Also make sure the strip you are using has not expired.

What should be considered when choosing a blood sugar check tool?

Today, many blood sugar measuring devices are sold freely on the market. So much, it sometimes makes you confused how to choose the right blood sugar check tool. The following are some tips for choosing a blood sugar check tool.

  • Ease of use and care. The many types of blood sugar screening tools make each of these devices have a difference in operation. Be sure to choose a test tool that is easy to use and easy to care for. The indicator is the test results can be seen clearly on the screen, the size is easy to carry, the ease of getting a measurement strip, and how much blood is needed to check
  • Special features. There are several measuring devices that have special features, such as a larger button or a screen that can be lit, making it easier for you to see it even in the dark. Adjust to your needs when deciding to buy a blood sugar check tool
  • Data storage. Learn how your blood sugar check tool stores data. Can it be stored digitally or do you have to manually record it? This data is important to discuss with your doctor to find out whether the management of diabetes you are doing has gone well
  • Multifunction. At present, some blood test kits sold in Indonesia are not only used for measuring blood sugar. Some manufacturers of medical devices have made a measuring instrument which, in addition to measuring blood sugar, can also be used to measure cholesterol and gout levels as a checkup for diabetes. You only need the measuring strip, because usually a different measuring strip is needed for all three types of blood tests. Consider whether you need a tool with this kind of feature
  • Price. Price is one of the main factors that people consider when they want to buy an item, including a blood sugar check tool. Remember that you have to buy the measuring strip periodically, because diabetics will carry out regular blood sugar checks regularly
Get to know the tool for checking blood sugar, a friend of a person with diabetes
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