6 Dangers of Obesity in Infants and Children This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Who, who doesn't worry about seeing a fat baby? For some people, fat babies and children do look funny and interesting. Unfortunately, the body of a fat child for a long time can lead to obesity and cause health problems for the child to grow up.

So, what is the danger of obesity in children and infants? How to prevent? Check out the answer in the following review.

What are the dangers of obesity in children and infants?

1. Heart disease

Obesity in infants and children can be characterized by accumulation of fat tissue in all or several parts of the body. Without realizing it, this is one of the factors that increases the risk of a child developing heart disease later. How can?

Well, children who are obese need more blood. Automatically, the workload of the heart will be much harder to pump blood. This condition will eventually make the heart grow bigger, so that it can drain a lot of blood supply throughout the body.

This increase in blood flow can also cause high blood pressure, as an early cause of heart disease.

2. Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Infants and children who are obese are at a higher risk of experiencing increased blood sugar levels. Because the child's body will find it difficult to digest glucose intake optimally. As a result, glucose levels in the blood will increase and develop into typhoid 2 diabetes when adults.

3. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when breathing suddenly stops while sleeping. Obese people, including infants and children, are prone to experience sleep apnea due to the accumulation of body fat that blocks the airways and thus inhibits breathing. Finally, the quality of the baby's sleep deteriorates and easily feels tired the next day.

4. Asthma

Based on research published in the Asthma Research and Practice Journal, about 38 percent of obese people also have asthma, reported from Healthline.

One reason is because the lungs are surrounded by excess fat tissue which makes it more sensitive to air from outside. Over time, this results in inflammation of the respiratory system which then causes asthma.

5. Hormonal problems

Increasing the child's weight, it will be increasingly difficult to regulate the production of hormones in the body. The amount of hormone produced is abnormal. Not good, this can actually lead to various health problems related to hormones later on.

Take for example, in girls can cause menstruation to be irregular. While in boys it can result in gynecomastia, which is abnormal breast growth.

6. Problems with muscles and bones

Body weight that exceeds the normal limit will provide a large burden on muscles and bones, because they have to work extra to support body weight. That is why, many babies and children who are obese often complain of pain in the bones and muscles, compared with friends of the same age who have normal weight.

Low sugar milk can be an option

To prevent obesity in children, you can limit the supply of sugar in your child's daily food and drinks. One of them is by giving low sugar milk.

But that doesn't mean that with low sugar milk, you have to sacrifice other nutrients from milk. Choose low-sugar milk that still has the nutritional content of milk, especially those rich in omega 3 and 6 acids to support brain development and intelligence of the little one.

Getting a more stable calorie intake for the body can help control weight gain. Which later, the little one's weight will be more awake and certainly avoid obesity.

By choosing low-sugar milk but still high in nutrition, all children's nutritional needs will be fulfilled, including for the development of his brain. However, the risk of obesity due to excessive sugar intake can be avoided.

Another way to prevent children from being obese

In addition to genetic factors from the family, obesity that occurs in your child can be based on various other reasons. Try the evaluation again, is the daily diet right? Or is he active, whether by playing, exercising, or other normal activities?

The combination of all the less optimal factors can be the main cause of obesity in your child and baby. Because, obesity occurs when the energy consumed is far more than the energy released by the body.

Now, what you have to think about next is how to prevent your child from getting obese.

Actually it's not difficult, really. You can start slowly from light things everyday. Give your child a food source with balanced nutrition, which is packed with carbohydrates; fat; protein; vitamin; and minerals. Of course, within healthy limits.

In addition, it doesn't hurt to limit children's daily sugar intake little by little. Because not only fat plays a role in increasing weight, so does sugar. This is because the excess intake of sugar obtained from food and drinks will be stored by the body in the form of fat. Finally, it can cause obesity and obesity in children.

6 Dangers of Obesity in Infants and Children This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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