3 of the Most Common Allergies in Indonesia


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Allergic diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis, food allergies, and atropic dermatitis suffer from 30-40% of the total world population. Reporting from otakrakyat.com, The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts the incidence of asthma will reach 400 million by 2025, and about 50% of them are estimated to suffer from food allergies.

The results of the study of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, more and more children affected by allergies, including in Indonesia. Some researchers estimate that an increase in allergy cases in Indonesia reaches 30 percent per year, although there are no detailed data regarding the prevalence and epidemiology of allergies and their causes.

Some of the most common types of allergies that may be found in Indonesia, including:

Allergy to dust and pollution

The population in Indonesia's big cities with allergies is increasing every year due to the increasingly severe levels of air pollution.

Quote from jakartaglobe.com, the results of research by the University of Indonesia show an increase in the percentage of children under 12 years of age with allergies to pollution and dust up to four times in the last 20 years, from 2% in 1980 and reaching 8% in 2000.

Allergic reactions caused by these two allergens vary. The most common are sneezing, runny nose, and red and itchy eyes. But if the inner respiratory system is also affected, allergic reactions can also cause potentially dangerous respiratory disorders, such as asthma, breathing difficulties, swelling of the respiratory tract, and buildup of mucus in the lungs.

Food allergy

Reporting from pdpersi.co.id, there are several types of foods that most often cause allergies so it is not recommended to be given to babies who are too young, eggs, cow's milk, beans, soybeans, wheat, fish, and seafood.

According to IDAI's Pediatric Sari data by Dr. Meida Tanukusumah, Sp.A, in the first year of life, 6% of children aged less than 3 years most often suffer from food allergies. Generally, when children are 5-6 years old food allergies will disappear, except for peanut allergies and allergies to types of sea fish and shellfish.

Symptoms of food allergies can occur in various parts of the body, such as the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, eye and ear. Symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as swelling of the tongue and lips, sore throat, rash and redness, and angioedema can be caused by food allergies.

Histamine is thought to be the cause of seafood allergies. Histamine content in fish, shrimp, squid, shellfish, crabs, or other marine animals, especially those that are not guaranteed to be fresh, including high. Histamine is a reaction product between decomposing microorganisms and enzymes that appear after an animal dies.

Allergies that cause skin inflammation

Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema is a form of skin inflammation that is commonly found in people who have certain allergic reactions and commonly appear in people with asthma or pollen allergies.

Most people have mild to moderate reactions to different allergens, depending on the severity of the allergy and the number of allergen areas.

Allergic skin inflammation often appears in areas of the body that have skin folds and arise in the form of rashes, bumps, hives, or infections.

The most common allergens that trigger skin allergies are metal (watches or jewelry), poisonous plants, and certain types of fabrics, such as wool.


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3 of the Most Common Allergies in Indonesia
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