5 of the Most Common Types of Birthmarks in the World (Which Do You Have?)


Medical Video: If You Have Moles on One of These Places, It Has Surprising Meaning

About 50% of people in the world have birthmarks or "tompels" or moles on their skin. The appearance of birthmarks is inseparable from race and heredity. Thai people, for example, have birthmarks in the form of bluish-gray spots. Because everyone can have different types and shapes and locations of birthmarks, birthmarks are used as identities to identify someone who is missing or dead. What are the types of birthmarks that are commonly found, and what do they mean? Here's the explanation.

The meaning of birthmarks in the body based on type, shape, color, and location

In general, human birthmarks are classified into two major parts, namely the vascular group and pigment.

Vascular type birthmarks

The meaning of vascular birthmarks comes from vascular abnormalities. There are two types of birthmarks that are of the vascular type, namely hemangiomas and port-wine stain.

1. Hemangioma

Hemangioma is one of the most common types of birthmarks. Birthmarks of hemangiomas originate from cells making up blood vessels, which have started to appear from the womb.

Characteristics of birth hemangiomas are red patches that are usually found behind the neck, eyelids, or forehead - although they can actually appear anywhere.


This type of birthmark initially appears in the form of bleeding spots under the skin. The red spot will then develop into a purplish blue lump. This type of birthmark can fade over time. although there are also those who need surgery to be eliminated.

2. Port-wine stain (Nevus flammeus)

The meaning of this type of birthmark comes from its appearance in the form of flat pink spots and over time it can turn purple to purple, similar to the color of wine. Flammeus nevus birthmarks often appear in the area of ​​the head or face. This birthmark appears in three out of 1,000 babies.

Port-wine stain occurs due to dilation of blood vessels in certain areas of the body. Apart from using laser therapy, flammeus naevus can also be camouflaged by using make up.

Pigment moles

The meaning of the birthmark type of pigment is a patch formed from the buildup of melanocytes (natural skin dyes) in one particular area of ​​the skin.

1. Moles (Nevus pigmentosus)

In addition to hemangiomas, moles are the other most common birthmarks. Moles can appear on any area of ​​the body in various colors and sizes - large, small, flat, arising, dark or pale.

how to remove moles

Most moles are not dangerous, although they can be removed through surgery if they interfere with appearance. You should immediately check with your doctor if your mole changes in shape, color, or size. It could be that the mole is a sign of skin cancer.

2. Café au lait (milk coffee stains)

As the name implies, this birthmark looks like a light brown to old milk coffee spot. Indonesian people may be more familiar with the term "tompel".

Birthmark of café au lait

The café au lait compote most often appears in the form of ovals on the back, buttocks, and limbs or legs. The size also varies, from small to large and wide.

Just like a mole, this type of birthmark can be removed by the laser method if it interferes with appearance.

3. Mongolian spot

The birth mark of the mongolian spot is generally in the form of flat grayish patches with an irregular shape. Indonesians also commonly call it "tompel".

Mongolian spot

Mongolian spots often appear on the buttocks, back, or shoulders. Mongolian spots can fade on their own as children enter puberty.

5 of the Most Common Types of Birthmarks in the World (Which Do You Have?)
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