6 Awesome Facts About a Woman's Womb That May Surprise You


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Everyone, including you, is born from a woman's womb. There is no other way for humans to be born than through the womb. However, to what extent do you understand the intricacies and interesting facts about this one organ? Check out the amazing facts about a woman's womb that might make you want to thank your mother or partner.

1. The uterus can stretch as big as a watermelon

The uterus is the most flexible female organ. Because the womb of a woman is ideally sized like a small pear. Now, when the egg is fertilized and the uterus finally becomes a home for the fetus, the size of a woman's uterus can spread as large as a watermelon!The size of the uterus can also be larger if you are pregnant with twins. This means that your uterus can spread up to 500 times larger than its original size when you are not pregnant.

Even more amazing, after giving birth to a baby, the uterus will shrink back to its original size in just a few weeks. That's great, isn't it?

2. Women can have two uterus at once

In general, a woman is born with one uterus. However, in very rare cases, a person can be born with two wombs. According to various data, this case will only appear in one in two thousand women worldwide.

This phenomenon occurs when a woman with two uterus is still in the womb. A woman's uterus is formed from a combination of two tubes. If the tubes in the fetus do not join perfectly, there will be more than one uterus formed. Women who have two uterus can still get pregnant as usual. However, if both uterus are functioning normally, you could be pregnant with twins from each uterus.

3. But some are born without a uterus

A woman can also be born without a uterus or be born with an imperfect uterus. So, he will not menstruate and cannot undergo a normal pregnancy. The condition experienced by one in five thousand women is also known as the Mayer-Rokitanski-K syndromeüster-Hauser (MRKH).

If you want to have offspring, women who don't have a uterus can do IVF. This is because the ovaries are still functioning to produce eggs that are ready to be fertilized. However, later the finished embryo will be injected into the womb of a surrogate mother (surrogate mother) who are willing to conceive and give birth to the baby.

4. A woman's uterus can be grafted

There is another solution for women who have no womb but want to get pregnant. Recently, experts have succeeded in developing and refining the technology of a woman's womb transplant. So, women born without a uterus can receive uterine donors from other people.

So far, there have been several cases where women who received a uterine donor managed to conceive and give birth to their baby. For example in Sweden and in the United States. In this unique labor process, babies are usually born by caesarean section.

Unfortunately, currently the uterine graft procedure is still very limited. Not all countries or hospitals are able to transplant the uterus. However, later uterine grafts can also be the answer for women who have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), for example because of cancer.

5. Women may still get pregnant after tubectomy

Tubectomy is a sterile contraceptive method (sterile family planning). Your fallopian tubes will be tied or cut off so that sperm cells cannot meet the egg to fertilize. Even if they finally meet, the combination of the two will not be able to enter the uterus to form a fetus.

Even so, apparently you can still get pregnant after tubectomy. According to statistics from the health institution John Hopkins in the United States, one in two hundred women who have tubectomy will remain pregnant.

Pregnancy may occur if the disconnected channel connects again. It could also be because the binding process of the fallopian tubes is not perfect so fertilization still occurs and the fertilized egg successfully enters the uterus.

6. The uterus can help orgasm

It's not just the vagina and clitoris that play an important role in women's sexual satisfaction. The female uterus becomes an organ that supplies blood to body parts that receive sexual stimulation such as the vaginal lips, clitoris, and pelvic area. Without blood flow to these areas, it is difficult for women to enjoy stimulation to orgasm.

A number of studies also prove that hysterectomy can reduce female sexual satisfaction. Because the uterus is one of the female organs that will contract during orgasm. Without uterine contractions, orgasm also feels less than optimal.

6 Awesome Facts About a Woman's Womb That May Surprise You
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