6 Health Conditions That Can Cause You to Feel Tired Fast


Medical Video: Why Are You Always Tired?

Fast feeling tired every day is a common symptom that can be experienced by anyone. The cause of the body feels tired for no apparent reason can be realized because of habits or health problems that are not realized. There are several conditions that cause fatigue that you may not have realized before.

Health conditions causing fatigue

1. Dehydration

Dehydration is a natural occurrence when we lack drinking after the body loses fluids in metabolic processes and body biochemical reactions. Meeting the needs of drinking water can vary for each person depending on body weight, age, gender and activities carried out. One health condition that can make you dehydrated is diabetes. High blood sugar levels will attract fluid from the body's tissues, causing dehydration. This can happen even though people with diabetes always feel thirsty and drink a lot because they will also often pee. Both of these are some typical symptoms of diabetes.

2. Lack of physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle, aka lazy motion, is one of the causes of mood disorders, hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance and disruption of sleep which can also have an impact on the body's decreased metabolism and energy. Being more active is one way to overcome fatigue, this can be done by spending less time sitting, walking more or starting a routine of physical activity before and after work.

3. Lack of sleep

The average adequacy of sleep time in adults is 7-9 hours of nighttime sleep. Lack of sleep for only 4-6 hours can be a cause of fatigue in a matter of days if it occurs continuously. If you experience a shortage of sleep, then correct your sleep the next night.

4. Sleep at the wrong time

Changes in time and sleep patterns can be the cause of the body becoming tired and not starving. This is commonly experienced by people who experience lack of sleep or have shift work so they are more active at night. The way to improve the sleep pattern is to immediately try to sleep at night and avoid exposure to blue light (blue light) when trying to sleep.

5. Anemia

Anemia is a health problem that is often undetected. The condition of anemia can cause fatigue because the intake of oxygen distribution in the blood to reach cells and tissues tends to be slow and too little. Fatigue caused by anemia tends to be specific, for example, feeling tired despite enough time to sleep, muscles feeling weak and having difficulty concentrating, in serious cases it can cause shortness of breath and impaired heart function. The anemia that causes fatigue can be improved by supplementing nutrients, especially iron and vitamin B12 and adequate intake of vitamin C to help absorb minerals.

6. Hypothyroidism

Thyroid gland has a very important role because secreting hormones is needed by various body functions such as regulation of body temperature, heart rate, protein production, metabolism and body energy levels. Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland is not very active. This can make a person feel always tired and sleepy.

7. Depression

Depression can be a cause of fatigue that you may experience. Depression causes serotonin (a chemical in the brain) to experience a balance disorder. Even though serotonin is important to wait for "body clock". As a result, people with depression always feel tired and not energized. They may even find it difficult to sleep at night and wake up too early in the morning. Consult your doctor if you feel you may be depressed.

6 Health Conditions That Can Cause You to Feel Tired Fast
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